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2012/04/05 01:17:47瀏覽240|回應0|推薦1

見微知著 2011年美國的整形美容統計數字 多少反映了我們的現狀

“Cosmetic surgical procedures increased almost 1 percent since 2010, while minimally invasive procedures decreased almost 2 percent in the same time period. “ Interpreting this trend, ASAPS President Jeffrey M. Kenkel, MD, says, “Surgery seems to be slowly coming back.” He told WebMD that injectables and other noninvasive treatments have a role, but in today’s competitive marketplace people have good reason to look for long-lasting results. Because of economic pressures, we have to stay in the workplace longer, which means competing for jobs with much younger people.

第一 手術似乎又翻身了

手術 增加了百分之一 而微整形減少百分之二  理由是什麼? "long lasting result" 整形美容不是化妝 也不是換衣服 不能長時間持續的效果不僅經濟上是負面的 而且常常在過程當中帶來非常多困擾

in a big turnaround, for the first time in three years, “ASAPS Quick Facts,” on the surgery.org website, indicates that lipoplasty has surpassed breast augmentation as the most popular cosmetic surgical procedure in the United States. “Until 2008, liposuction had been the most popular cosmetic surgeryprocedure, but from 2008-2010 breast augmentation held that title.”

But there is other significant news about breast augmentation. According to WebMD, “Fully two-thirds of women receiving implants chose silicone-filled breast implants in 2011.” The significance of this, reports Kenkel, is that “women and plastic surgeons are becoming more comfortable with the safety of these implants.” This trust has been rebuilt after a 14-year ban on silicone implants, which was lifted in 2006. As further confirmation of silicone implant safety, the FDA just approved a new silicone-gel breast implantfrom Sientra.

第二 隆乳手術越來越普遍 其中2/3婦女願意接受果凍矽膠植入物隆乳



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