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希望。繆思。跨時空 ★
Muse Kingdom
Hope. Freedom. Muse. Love. Across Time.

. . . . . . .

If you need a little light, anytime there are stars throughout the sky. You are not alone. They are all hopes in these dark nights, just like you.

Therefore, along this path, I met him, and he met me. That was why this unique story was written. This was not merely pure destiny, but also a coincidence in Nature and the entire Universe. Truthfully, so long as we listened to the voices within, coincidences would occur subtly.

Everyone has their own irreplaceable worth.
And you, you don’t have to turn yourself into someone else. You just have to be yourself.

Sometimes, I imagine perhaps I have a certain kind of magic so mysterious and peculiar that it renders me out of tune with the world.

「When you wish upon the stars,
They hear you, they remember.

. . . . . . .

她的名字是艾薇拜倫(Ivy Byron),有著一對黑色眼珠,一個18歲,剛上大學的女孩,生活在我們的世界。媽媽是克萊西亞‧拜倫(Clairia Byron),有著東方面孔,在Ivy出生時過世。爸爸是傑瑞‧戴維茲(Jerry Davis),有著西方面孔。

他的名字是歐文‧奧蘭多‧凱米爾(Irving Orlando Kameer),有著一對藍色雙眼。來自音樂國度,有著很美的繆思。
(註: 繆思/Muse 是一種從眼睛散發出來的音樂旋律,在音樂國度裡,每個人都擁有繆思。)


Elisabeth S.

 2015/11/22 14:55:24

★ 書評

【Book Review 書評 1] x《艾薇拜倫:藍眼睛》

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