3.台中市市區、大甲清水、沙鹿、彰化及員林,多半是會全部 在水面下。
影像來源: http://flood.firetree.net/?ll=23.7476,121.0253&zoom=7&m=60
(上列網址是以Google地圖的北緯23.75度,東經121度以中心,放大率7級,模擬海水面上升60公尺) (Data provided by NASA)
底下是國外的BLOGGER短文: I’ve had loads of requests from people who want to put Flood Maps on their own web-site. Well, I’ve finally found a way to allow it, and still pay for my server. Just place the following IFRAME code on your site, and voila!(內嵌)
Note that the width and height of the IFRAME must be the same as the w and h parameters in the URL.
You can also add any of the following parameters to the URL:(控制碼) ll — lat/long, e.g. 57.0,-1.3 m — metres above sea level zoom — zoom level, up to a maximum zoom of 17. type — map type, roadmap|satellite|hybrid|terrain You can copy all of these parameters from the link in the bottom-left corner of the Flood Maps page.
Just navigate until you find the scene you want, and then copy the URL parameters into the above HTML fragment. The frame contains a Google ad-unit, which should make enough money to offset the cost of serving all the additional map tiles.(2007) http://blog.firetree.net/2007/02/06/flood-maps-on-your-web-site/