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Ergonomic Design of the Handle: Yunmai Smart Rope
2021/03/25 16:45:25瀏覽10|回應0|推薦0
A smart rope will be available under the Yunmai brand. This company specializes in the production of sports goods. Today’s novelty will be an invaluable aid in the course of cardio training. The gadget is based on innovative technologies that allow you to make ordinary jumps through the rope more effective. Now let's talk more about this unusual device. First, it is necessary to note the ergonomic design of the handle. It has a very comfortable shape and is covered with a special material that absorbs sweat. Therefore, hands will not slide during training. Secondly, the rope is made of a combination of plastic and polyurethane. These materials provide the maximum ease of a smart rope. It weighs 139g.

The manufacturer has retained the practical dimensions of the new product – 161.7×25.6×25.6 mm. Inside the case there is a rechargeable battery, which ensures autonomous operation of the sports gadget for 150 days. The charger is connected via Micro USB connector. The battery charges in approximately 2 hours. The Bluetooth 4.0 sensor is placed inside the pens. It is used to transfer the data collected during training to the mobile application.

In the Yunmai app, you can monitor the efficiency of your workout process. The program displays the number of jumps made, the number of calories burned, as well as a lot of other useful information. Users will be able to plan all kinds of tasks through the application, watch video lessons created by experienced trainers.

More Yunmai newest products,just visit this link: Yunmai Official
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