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xiaomi yunmai smart rope
2021/02/26 14:29:10瀏覽29|回應0|推薦0
In quarantine, fitness centers are closed, so fans of a healthy lifestyle have to equip gyms at home. But we found on AliExpress a great helper for cardio training - the Xiaomi Yunmai brand smart skipping rope.

First of all, the Yunmai Smart rope is very light - about 140 g, the handles are comfortable and do not slip in the hands. The length of the rope is 3 meters, but it can be adjusted.

One of the handles has a display on whichThe number of jumps made is displayed. Inside is a Bluetooth 4.0 sensor for synchronization with a smartphone. Through the application, you can see the number of jumps and calories burned, as well as video tutorials and other useful information.

The jump rope is powered by a built-in battery. One charge will last up to 150 days. The rope is charged via the Micro USB port, it takes 2 hours to fully charge.

More Yunmai newest products,just visit this link:Yunmai Massage Gun
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