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Effective Monitoring: Yunmai s smart scale
2021/02/22 13:47:59瀏覽7|回應0|推薦0
YUNMAI S Smart Scale is a gadget that provides effective monitoring of body weight and other health indicators.

Smart scales can accurately determine your weight, height, percentage of fat, and muscle tissue. Then it transfers the measurement results to your phone. The device is synchronized with a smartphone via Bluetooth. The gadget can adapt to any physiological condition, including pregnancy. It can weigh a pregnant woman, taking into account her condition, and display only her actual weight. It is worth noting that when weighing on an electronic scale, a weak electrical signal passes through the human body, which does not affect health in any way. However, if you have medical devices implanted in your body, it is best to wear slippers before weighing in to avoid damaging the life support device.

More Yunmai newest products,just visit this link: Yunmai Massage Gun
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