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Xiaomi Yunmai smart skipping rope on sale. What can he do?
2021/01/26 13:51:08瀏覽9|回應0|推薦0
Most people associate Yunmai skipping rope with childhood and various games. However, those who exercise at the gym know that it is also a general development tool used in many exercises. Xiaomi's smart skipping rope is the same as all other skipping rope, only it is stuffed with electronics.

Its length is three meters, but thanks to a special mechanism it can be adapted to virtually any height. As part of the program associated with it, we can watch instructional videos, as well as compete with friends or challenge them.

The skipping rope is made of high quality, waterproof materials and is very light. In addition, one two-hour charging of the skipping rope is enough for approx. 150 days of operation.

In the skipping rope we will find a special CC2541 bluetooth chip that, in combination with a large number of sensors, collects all information from training sessions. Then they go to the phone, where we can check our results every day. Skipping rope monitors, among others time spent jumping, how many jumps we did and how many calories we burned.
( 休閒生活生活情報 )
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