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Adjustable Rope: xiaomi yunmai smart rope
2021/01/18 10:45:43瀏覽10|回應0|推薦0
Many of us thought that a skipping rope couldnt be too intelligent and yet. Xiaomi Yunmai again pushes the boundaries of intelligence and technology into absurdity and delivers the perfect tool for exercise.

Lets face it, we dont always want to run out on the circuit or just go out into the nature, or get off the bike and do something for our body.

However, the new intelligent jump rope Xiaomi Yunmai can remind us of the childrens times when jumping rope was taken as a game. Today it can be serious fitness training.

It is said that 10 minutes of Yunmai jumping rope corresponds to approximately 30 minutes of running, so you can save your time and get the same result.

More Yunmai newest products,just visit this link: Yunmai APP
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