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Deep muscle massage: Yunmai Pro Basic Massage Gun
2020/12/25 10:37:42瀏覽23|回應0|推薦0
The Yunmai Massage Gun Pro Basic is a product for a smaller slice of users: those who practice sports. Clearly, anyone can use it, but sportsmen are probably the ones who will benefit the most.

The Yunmai Pro Basic Massage Gun is, in fact, a massage gun typically used to massage the fasciae, or the layer of connective tissue that covers the muscles, groups of muscles, blood vessels and nerves. Incorrect movements or incorrect postures can cause problems to the fasciae, resulting in joints that are not very flexible, muscles that are more tired than necessary and general pain. Through a massager like the one presented today by Xiaomi it is possible to stimulate better adhesion between the muscles, furthermore massaging the fascia with high-speed vibrations decreases the chance of injury during training or sports performance.
More Yunmai newest products,just visit this link: Yunmai Scale
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