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2019/06/23 08:58:35瀏覽174|回應0|推薦0 | |
20190623 DEW Java版還沒攪好! 還是先搞定柑仔店POS算帳ㄟ使用說明書 ====================================================: 說起此「POS(Point-Of-Sale) 門市銷售作業軟體」已談過多次! 為了佬年生計:不得不找回來想點新玩意兒! 如DEW (數位年長者數隨身影音)事業企劃提案:想出手機版新玩意兒! 雖然:曾貼文: 「20190308 今夕何夕? 無伴洗手做羹湯、自求多福做DEW Java版功課! - Cozy Bayou 安逸港灣|舒適港灣 的部落格 - udn部落格」 可能!內容有點~~:此貼文不見啦!(補貼於後文) 不過!手機版DEW Java版還在~~! 其實:複習此「Visual Basic版POS(Point-Of-Sale) 門市銷售作業軟體」:或可沿用! 如果她還記得:這「門市銷售作業軟體」她應該還記得! 先前一時找不到備存檔:還特意到柑仔店主花蓮周二哥: 周二哥說:宜蘭羅東店收了! 還是再一同回到初版試用版ㄟ宜蘭羅東店:查看佬柑仔店: 沒錯!國中小對面:換成一家英語補習班:開創主姓林ㄟ博士! 稀奇ㄟ是:相鄰ㄟ店面是:繪畫補習班! 俺當時向周二哥說:這有可能~~~~~! 下則可不是俺胡思亂想ㄟ! 細作神通查得、傳說:那個藉故老鼠咬手指傷離職ㄟ她和家人(以此柑仔店另開新店面) (備存檔找到了!不過「ReadMe使用說明書」只有簡陋ㄟ兩頁) (如果真如此!當時應該有較詳細ㄟ「ReadMe使用說明書」) (不論!她還想單身多久:反正迷友一場!) (敬請:藉律師奉送:較詳細ㄟ「ReadMe使用說明書」=依法算帳) 根據:備存檔 此研發案早自1999年: TenLin VB_Project 最早檔案日期 MSSCCPRJ.SCC 19990619 Readme 19990906 1008 POS20080805 VB_Project 此為柑仔店主花蓮周二哥ㄟ鮮奶公司財務經理ㄟ原始版改寫 此鮮奶公司為同村好有所創:財務經理也俺同年好友 周二哥當時在花蓮有主店、二分店:POS20080805應為後期修改版! 登入畫面20080503天臨公司花蓮自強店.PNG:POS20080805應為後期修改版! 登入畫面201906竹湘林夢想柑仔店公司.PNG:此為2019「使用說明書」再修改版! 系統管理.PNG:此為簡視主要作業功能大項! 下列為: DEW 竹湘林 相關記述: /media/simon/HD-PNTU275/U1604-Backups/AData Parts/Lovely/劉若英 (Rene Liu) 20161114 1020 [A Proposal:[花式奶茶] [竹湘林]Notes].doc /media/simon/HD-PNTU275/U1604-Backups/AData Parts/Lovely/劉若英 (Rene Liu) 20161114 1052 Proposal:[竹湘林 花式奶茶 專賣店].doc 「20181001「Lovely Proposal3野雁_竹湘林_SIMon工作室」PM提案求職工作午報 - Cozy Bayou 安逸港灣|舒適港灣 的部落格 - udn部落格」 「20190308 今夕何夕? 無伴洗手做羹湯、自求多福做DEW Java版功課! - Cozy Bayou 安逸港灣|舒適港灣 的部落格 - udn部落格」 「20190113 PM0123虛幻推想Proposal提案無著:還是心記歸農實務 - Cozy Bayou 安逸港灣|舒適港灣 的部落格 - udn部落格」 ====================================================: 「20190308 今夕何夕? 無伴洗手做羹湯、自求多福做DEW Java版功課! - Cozy Bayou 安逸港灣|舒適港灣 的部落格 – udn部落格」 「Work/無命死中原.txt」 店老闆親切地說:「今仔日甘無做?」 女客人朗朗地說: 「捺有做!」 「未做乎死哦?得無累做甲無命死中原!」 老闆哈哈大笑! 我則頓時得到鄉俚小言俗雅兼蓄的趣味。 所謂「常聽覺詞窮,偶聞得妙喜」。 ====================================================: 20190308 今夕何夕? 20190308 今夕何夕? 無伴洗手做羹湯、自求多福做DEW Java版功課! ====================================================: 瘋傳待嫁娘多!卻無伴洗手做羹湯! 您想不到吧! 沒錯!只得自謀生路!自求多福做DEW Java版功課! 您想不到吧! (俺早已為此落魄晚年:備足基本功夫) (您可查俺ㄟ圖書館紀錄) (當年可能因「天臨柑仔店門市算帳POS」後市!) (from C-VC-VBasic-Java-PHP and More!) DEW Java版:已略俱草稿! 當然!此案非「非營利事業」(非營利機構(英语:Nonprofit Organization,NPO)) 因為:此案=營利事業! 因此:謀略噯俱足=「實、廣、遠」! 因此:俺噯先熟悉基本架構! 書櫃舊書堆裡:有此 「商務網站架設實作LINUX+J2EE+TOMCAT+MYSQL整合應用(OS20099)」 當年曾在Fedora演練過! 尋找備份資料:還沒得手: 卻:在標示「081011_sBackupYM」中:覆議覆憶! 2004年ㄟ喔! Mail: Work: 節錄如下: 「/Mail/20041220 (Collect).txt」 YM, 我是CJJ,SR的朋友。 我念電機系。曾經常到您們建築系,幫他打雜作做建築模型。 我們應該有幾面之緣,對我還有印象? 由於自己以前出了一些問題,不方便和SR連絡。 您是否和SR在建築領域有合作? 是否可以請您幫我了解他的近況。 另外,我本來想有個新房子,也曾請SR構思。 然而,他一直忙於教學和其他研究,還沒有給我答案。 近來我又到台北工作,真心期望您給我一些構想。 一切安好, JJ 20041130 (妳喜歡甚麼樣的風格!? 20041220) Ying-Ming, I am sorry I might bother you and make you confused. I have had talk with ShuennRen Liu, he is the chairperson of Arch. Dept. in TungHai Uni., and ask your current situation. I am quite surprised you classmates are too busy to have share cooperation. But, thinking myself, my friends are not leisure as me and we seldom meet together. I really would like to meet you to know your situation. As I know from web, I am quite surprised you have done some many wonderful projects. So, I think you are busy and would like to know if you can reverse time for me to help me realize the dream in the last e-mail I sent on 20041204. I am in IT field now, so I find out some tricks and problem in current various IT platforms. So, you might receive the last e-mail with random code, since it was written in Chinese. I truly would like to hear your voice if you have time for me to let me realize the dream – to have a comfortable house in future. I have discussed with Shuenn several time. He said that he is busy. Of course, I had my own tough troubles before. So, if you are willing to help me, Please e-mail (in English) or call me directly (I am at Taipei this weekend). My mobile phone number is 0921956111 (zero-nine-two-nine-five-six-one-one-one). All Best Wishes for You and Your Family, CJJ Simon Cherng 20041204 ShuennRen, What a Comfortable World. I have connected with Ying-Ming, Su. We both have had a comfortable talk and said goodbye to each other. I have a poem to close the door of my mind. Please send her at the noon on 20041212 (2004/12/5). All Best Wishes with You and Your Family, Simon Cherng 真是巧合。 您回來時,我正在一個神秘的地方。 等候朋友。 神秘的國度,我已度過。 度過究竟。 我心已定。 不知何故,望星情動。 動情見憫,今聞聲定。 敏悟情無。 我心已定。 (20041205) 您在現代與傳統間,優遊自在。 我坐看人間。 她,正在精彩演出。 (20041201,20041205補記) 塵緣已了。 埃落定,不隨風舞。 我心已定。 無限祝福。 (20041205) (I am upsetting to express my feeling in that way.)m。 YM, JJ 20041220 AM0837 [Work/Last-Night Dream.txt] Last-Night Dream Here, the sky is blue and the cloud is white. Here, the wind smells fresh and the water tastes sweet. But, where is here? Here is the place in the dream of last night! However, be happy, my friends! Day after day, If we still look for the Last-Night-Dream, it will be Here! And be happy! The Road Time goes by and something is changed. If have had dreams, dreams broke just like the bubbles. None knows what will be going exactly. Time by time, we ask ourselves. But, no answer is satisfying. However, we are still on the road. And, the road is endless. Troubles I also have troubles in the past and on hand. Trying to keep a peaceful mind is my effort. Things will change or not change is still unknown. But, this is the only truth. And, the effort is the only choice. 在環隆的隨筆,部份為給SNS E-mail的節錄。 9.12/85 補記。 2004.05.06複錄,略微修改。 [Work/問.單相思.txt] 問.單相思 問.為何憔悴?難不成,只因撿盡寒枝不願棲?! 單燕輕梭林葉間,好似輕風戲蝴蝶! 相識不曾見面,怎像落花流水載浮游?! 思念,提筆停筆,欲語又止….. [Work/我愛七醜.txt] 粗枝大葉,其貌不揚 有何可觀? 我池魚蝦,居小池想大海 愛細腰柔柳,悠悠浮游 隔著山 不識天上龍山中虎 自孤芳自賞 不知誰放的火 燙了水,蒸得 我池魚蝦,想化羽而飛 想大鵬,幾世成 還是滅盡虛無,快速 五醜缺一 是您?是我?是他? 還是….. 賞「六醜」戲作 ====================================================: |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |