--> Yes, we need it!! Thank you to make me have 勇氣
it because of you!!
好話人人都會說 最重要的還是要看自己有沒有去『做』這個動作
--> Let do it!! We will not think too much!!
Use our brain on design ;)
你說:年輕人要有失敗的經驗 才有成功的機會
--> But it doesn't mean we will 失敗, we can try our best and don't afraid
成功的人 也是失敗了好幾次 起來再振作 才有美麗的果實
--> If... 成功 without 失敗 it should be the best!!
的確 魚魚就是不想失敗的那位年輕人
--> Me too!! No one want too!!
無法想像若失敗下場會是怎樣? 會不會被人笑? 或是 從此之後變得更沒自信?
--> Then...we will know who is our REAL friend...
--> He/She didn't confirm his/her feeling... Just maybe...
You are the one who can make they false!! I believe in you *\^___^/*
--> 也謝謝魚魚陪在熊熊的身邊
WE!! 會加油的!!!
Your Bear (& your Mario)
PS... 煩惱 out!!!!!