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2011/01/14 09:50:17瀏覽382|回應1|推薦1

昨晚的麻辣女強人 還不錯看~認真的女人最美麗對吧?
『女強人』其實在我的手相跟命盤裡 都有這種特徵
但也許從小就不喜歡把自己逼得緊緊的 也知道一旦變成女強人
就得放棄其它重要的事情 所以從高中之後只要是團體作業或幹嘛的
我只會在幕後默默做好自己的事情 直到現在出來工作也是如此
所以我不喜歡『女強人』這個名號 冠在我的身上

在工作的成就感 前公司有過 當自己設計的東西受到大家的喜愛 那時的心情是無法形容的~
我知道自己來到現在的公司 不但向上的積極心沒了 平穩有錢賺就好 而且也害怕改變
頂多未來結婚之後像我前同事一樣 搬到別的地方 然後辭職
跟未來老公 相親相愛就好 根本就沒想這麼多
直到遇見了你 ......

PS.不是說昨晚要直接跟我說回覆的事情嗎?........ (嘟嘴)
     忘了跟你說 我還滿喜歡前兩天在熊家 那種心靈交流的談話^///^

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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Happy Rock
RE: Don't Worry Be Happy
2011/01/17 11:26

Dear My Fish,

I'm not sure I did give you any pressure or not...
If yes... then say "OUT!!"

Take it easy my girl.... everything is not too serious ;)

Let Please do everything with "ENJOY" feeling... I will too...

Enjoy to Love Fish, Enjoy to talk with you from Thailand,
Enjoy to tell you my secret, Enjoy to let you know my dream,
Enjoy to try something different, Enjoy to adventure everywhere
Enjoy to talk our future, Enjoy to plan for the better future
Enjoy to hold your hand, Enjoy to kiss your lip and Enjoy to having you...

You don't have to be『女強人』but I need FISH who can make our future happy!!

Always love you...

Your Good Bear
PS. Don't worry about Sandra, but you can worry other girl in TH

PS2. 認真的女人最美麗 ==> You are!! you are very 認真 to love Bear