If sometime I lose control I hope you can hold me tight
-->>好~若魚的擁抱可以讓熊得到平靜 我會給你一個大大的
But now I expect on you to help me step into designer market
-->>魚魚遇到新的東西都會怕怕的 不敢輕易嘗試冒險...但 魚魚會加油克服自己的心理障礙
為了我們的未來 也為了你的夢想 一起創造我們的王國
I'm the most rich people in my family now...
-->>若以金錢去評論一個男生 那魚還真的是太膚淺了 就像我昨晚說過的 "錢剛剛好夠用就好"
雖然沒錢是萬萬不能 但有錢也不什麼東西都可以買的到 譬如:兩人互相的愛
I hope I can take care you more my dear...
I'll try to safe more money and bring you to Thailand without any money that you've to pay.
For Japan, I'll help you as much as I can
-->>魚知道熊很疼我 但我不想造成你的負擔 ...so 努力存錢 go!!go!!go!!
Now it seem like I know one of them... do you wanna guess which one I??
熊熊will當魚魚的心靈依靠 and you will mine too...
-->>謝謝你 我的寶貝熊~口秋