人always擔心so many thing in this world...
I don't know why I don't擔心 about my fish...
Maybe we have the same attitude, the same experience and the same target.I can say... I think I'm no way to 劈腿 or 花心
but maybe... it's other thing that will annoy us and give us some challenge...
個性 --> I think you know me now and I'll tell your more :)
經濟 --> I'm not afraid coz you said... you'll follow me and try together ^^
觀念 --> I feel... we're really close to each other... anyway details may different :P
墾丁 --> Hmmmm..... 準備被熊吃掉吧 555+ \(熊)/
媽媽說...她已經把你當成兒子來看 --> ^^ really?
媽媽原則上是喜歡你的 --> Thank you Fish's MOM...
不過有些很現實的事情媽媽想知道 --> I know cuz I'll 30 in next few month :)
但我不想讓你現在有太大的壓力 --> I'm OK to face any 壓力 cuz I believe in you :)
所以到時候我們要一起去面對 --> Yes, I'll try and you will so.... then we'll cross everything together
此刻就好好的談一場幸福的戀愛吧!! -->
談戀愛時一切都很美好 --> Yes...it's so beautiful
吵架是一種藝術的溝通 --> I love ART :P
結婚又是另外一種考驗 --> Not Yet Lady :P
所以現實是很殘酷的... --> Yes but better than many people in the movie
所以我們要繼續加油!!! --> 加油 加油 加油!!!
(最近怎麼老愛打這種文章呢@@" ---> 555 ^^ It's OKIloveit)
Love you... Your Bear