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2014/02/25 00:24:42瀏覽324|回應0|推薦2 | |
(7)佛羅倫斯、德國女生Stella。一早在旅舍吃完早餐,得知兩人都沒伴,忘了是誰先約誰,不過就一起出門走走。 高挑金髮美女,大概180吧orz英文好溜,完全不像19歲,她來義大利學義文,學了一個月,學完之後才覺得應該要留下來玩阿~所以就又多待了一下(還說她行李超多,本來就只打算待在一個地方),一路玩回慕尼黑。 之前好像才在巴黎學法文,然後前陣子又去紐約。真妙。我們先去了傳統市場,她想找一個什麼水果乾(不然我也沒機會去什麼市場XD),她買的那攤旁邊還有張世界地圖,上面還有台灣國旗(可見可能是台製的) 一路走到了舊橋,拍了照片,看了舊橋上的金飾店,然後去找了間她說很有名的gelato名店,而且還真的很有名,很多觀光客,但我們都覺得普普,又去吃了Venchi gelato,遇到一家她說”典型的德國家庭”(媽媽不大會講英文),後來她兩點要去看大衛像,我沒預約,就先回旅舍了(下午兩三點太熱最好回旅舍休息吹冷氣的鐵則)。 以下是為了給她看的翻譯~ 以 (7)Florence, German girl Stella. After the breakfast in the hostel, we soon discovered that none of us have companions that morning, so we decided to have a walk together. She is a tall, blonde beauty, about 180 who speaks really good English. Hard to believe she’s only 19. Stella learned Italian for a month in Italy, after that she figured she should stay longer in Italy for a little trip before going back to Munich, so she spent longer than expected.(She told me that she got too many stuff cuz she planned to stay in one spot originally). She learned French in Paris before and not so long ago she also went to NewYork, nice. We went to a traditional market first, where she tried to find a kind of dry fruit or something (or I wouldn’t have the chance to go to a market anyway) Next to the vender we stopped was a world map on the wall. There’s even a flag of Taiwan on it. (Probably MIT) We walked along the old bridge, took some pictures, and walked through the jewelry shops on the bridge. She took me to a super famous gelato store where lots of tourist lingered but we both thought that not as good as expected. Then I took her to Venchi gelato, we saw a “typical” German family (according to her) whose mom doesn’t really speak English. She booked to see “David” at two but I didn’t so I went back to the hostel. (it was super hot in 2 or 3 pm so it’s better to stay at the hostel for the air-condition) We didn’t take a picture together orz |
( 休閒生活|旅人手札 ) |