28. 沒有阿茲海默的世界(Alzheimer Prevention) 29. 練太極可抗疫(Tai Chi stops shingles)
30. 飯後熱飲(Drink warm after meals) 31. 食物防春季過敏(Ready for the allergy season) 32. 香蕉的神奇(a)熟香蕉抗癌(The Amazing Bananas) 33. 癌症新知(Cancer update - by a MD hospital)
34. 十大助排毒之食品(Toxin Excretion Assistants) 35. 腸道照顧好,百病不來找(Intestines Health) 36. 腸道簡易運動(The Exercise for Intestines) 37. 延年益壽十則(The Recipes for Living Longer) 38. 排汗和排尿的差別(Sweat, no sweat) 39. 補健清湯(排毒 、 通血)(Soup to lower cholesterol) 40. 謄固醇的常識(Cholesterol)