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胡賽武裝組織 攻擊美國航空母艦 CVN-69 成功 造成 創傷..Yemen Houthis launched attack on US CVN-69..
2024/06/05 01:26:53瀏覽261|回應0|推薦6

美國海軍航空母艦戰鬥群,自第二次世界大戰以來,橫掃世界海軍,所向披靡,己乎 沒有對手,即使美國與蘇聯冷戰時期的軍事對峙,蘇聯海軍也就是說略遜一籌,.可知美國海軍的航空母艦就是螃蟹,橫行霸道的巡弋世界的主要海洋,宣導美國軍事力量的強大,耀武揚威不可一世,進入21 世紀美國海軍的軍方力量已經逐漸下滑衰落退步,如今就連中東地區也門胡賽武裝組織,以亂槍打鳥敵戰術模式,連續2日飽和式的導向飛彈及無人機的攻擊,終於成功擊中,美國航空母艦 CVN-69.造成前沿飛行甲板嚴重的損毀包括蒸汽彈射起降系統短時間無法修復,造成CVN-69.戰鬥力極據下降,打破80 年來,沒有任何外界武力,可以擊中美國海軍的航空母艦的神話,如今由也門胡賽武裝組織成功的締造軍事記錄,讓美國顏面無光,更何況要面對中國海軍的強勢崛起,中國DF-21D..DF-26.DF-17.等導向飛彈,可以直接命中 美國的航空母艦於太平洋的第一島鏈及第二島鏈,如今確由也門胡賽武裝組織拔得頭籌,造奇蹟擊中美國海軍的航空母艦美國海軍CVN-69.命喪紅海.

DF-26 - Dual-Capable IRBM Beyond the Horizon ISSGˉ.DF-17-MISSILE





.Houthi military spokesperson, Yahya Sarea, chants slogans after he delivered a statement on the groups latest attacks during a rally held to show solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, in Sanaa, Yemen .Yemens Houthis launched a missile attack on the US aircraft carrier Eisenhower in the Red Sea in response to US and British strikes on Yemen, Houthi military spokesperson Yahya Saree said on Friday.2024/05/30-31.

.Six US and British strikes have killed 16 people and wounded 41, including civilians, Saree said in a televised statement.

Strikes on the province of Hodeidah targeted the port of Salif, a radio building in Al-Hawk district, Ghalifa camp and two houses, Saree said.

.Houthi supporters march marking the anniversary of Yemeni unity in Sanaa, Yemen

Yemens Houthis say they launched missile attack on US aircraft carrier Eisenhower in Red Sea

.Shafaq News/ Yemens Houthis launched a missile attack on the U.S. aircraft carrier Eisenhower in the Red Sea in response to U.S. and British strikes on Yemen, Houthi military spokesperson Yahya Saree said on Friday.

Six U.S. and British strikes have killed 16 people and wounded 41, including civilians, Saree said in a televised statement..

Yemens Houthis say they launched missile attack on US aircraft carrier Eisenhower in Red Sea俄羅斯軍事衛星捕捉到底USA /USS/ CVN-69.甲板被胡賽武裝組織以導向飛彈襲擊後燃燒,毀損的狀況(緊急搶救滅火痕跡猶在)美國海軍中東作戰司令部,否認CVN-69.遭受到外界的武裝攻擊損慘重,根據情報推算至少3 架以上的F18/A.戰鬥轟炸機摧毀,掉入紅海水域?.目前CVN-69.無法進飛機起降作業?

CVN-69左伭甲板飛機彈射系統顯然損毀短時間無法修復,可能性停止戰鬥 返回美國 整修? 

也門胡賽武裝組織,成功擊中美國航空母艦  CVN-69,成功造成甲板及F/18A戰鬥機,受創嚴重, 但是美國海軍否認? .

Red Sea tensions: Yemen’s Houthis ‘attack’ US carrier after deadly strikes

突發:胡塞斯襲擊了美國核動力航母和驅逐艦,葉門胡塞運動對目前位於紅海的美國核動力航母德懷特·艾森豪號號號航母德懷特·艾森豪號(USS Dwight Eisenhower)造成了另一次打擊。這是由胡塞武裝部隊代表雅希亞·薩利亞表示的。
胡塞斯發射火箭和無人機,德懷特號航母艦。 艾森豪威爾和美國驅逐艦格雷夫利號驅逐艦也遭到襲擊。 該運動總共對美國聯軍和以色列的艦隻和船隻進行了六次行動,以應對葉門的新聯軍攻擊。

有注意到,這是第二次攻擊航母艦,第一次是在20240530-20240531進行的,第二次是今天才知道。 與此同時,五角大樓否認對航母的攻擊,以及對艦艇的任何損壞。 一名高級軍事官員表示,他不知道對德懷特·艾森豪威爾號發生了可能的攻擊。.

.Houthis Claim Attack on US Aircraft Carrier.CVN-69..


USS Mason (DDG 87) and USS Laboon (DDG 58) steam in formation with USS Dwight D. Eisenhower during a formation exercise.

Yemen Houthis say they launched attack on US aircraft carrier ‘Eisenhower’ in Red Sea



.Yemen’s Houthis launched a missile attack in the direction of the US aircraft carrier, “Eisenhower”, in the Red Sea in response to US and British strikes on Yemen, the group’s military spokesperson, Yahya Saree, said on Friday, Reuters reports.

A US defence official told Reuters they were not aware of any attack on the “Eisenhower”.

Six US and British strikes have killed 16 people and wounded 41, including civilians, Saree said in a televised statement.

Strikes on the province of Hudaydah targeted the port of Salif, a radio building in Al-Hawk district, Ghalifa camp and two houses, Saree said.

The US and British militaries said they launched strikes against Houthi targets in Yemen on Thursday to deter the group from further disrupting shipping in the Red Sea.

The US Central Command said US and British forces had hit 13 targets in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen.

The British Defence Ministry said the joint operation targeted three locations in the Red Sea port city of Hudaydah, which it said housed drones and surface-to-air weapons.

“As ever, the utmost care was taken in planning the strikes to minimise any risk to civilians or non-military infrastructure,” the British Defence Ministry said.

“Conducting the strikes in the hours of darkness should also have mitigated yet further any such risks.”

Houthi spokesperson, Mohamed Abdelsalam, said the strikes were a “brutal aggression” against Yemen as punishment for its support of Gaza.

Iran condemned the strikes as “violations of Yemen’s sovereignty and territorial integrity …, international laws and human rights”, Iranian state media reported.

“The aggressor US and British governments are responsible for the consequences of these crimes against the Yemeni people,” Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Nasser Kanaani, said.

The Houthis, who control Yemen’s capital and most populous areas, have attacked international shipping in the Red Sea region since November in solidarity with the Palestinians in the war between Israel and Hamas, drawing retaliatory US and British strikes since February.

( 時事評論國防軍事 )
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