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北約軍官手槍遺留在烏克蘭的亞述鋼鐵廠內.NATO/FN-1906.Pistal left in AZOVSTELL.Ukraine .
2022/05/13 13:59:05瀏覽699|回應1|推薦13






.FN Model 1905或FN Model 1906是1906年至1959年由Fabrique Nationale de Herstal製造的手槍。它實際上與基於相同John Browning原型的Colt Model 1908 Vest Pocket相同,是FN後來的Baby Browning設計的靈感來源.指如今FN-1906.Pistal Gun.在烏克蘭亞述鋼鐵廠的地地下室被發現找到,不知是屬於哪一位北約軍官所擁有,他是否使用本槍抵抗或是驚慌失措逃亡時不慎遺失,或是故意留下來當作證據,好讓俄羅斯政府揭發北約NATO.直接參加烏克蘭的戰爭抵抗俄羅斯,烏克蘭的戰爭遊戲愈來愈精彩且戲劇性的演出令人髮指的劇情.

The FN Model 1905 (from its patent date) or FN Model 1906 (in European countries due to its date of manufacture) was a pistol manufactured by Fabrique Nationale de Herstal from 1906 to 1959.[1]

It is virtually identical to the Colt Model 1908 Vest Pocket, which was based on the same John Browning prototype, and was the inspiration for FNs later Baby Browning design. Although Brownings handgun patents were sold to both FN and Colt, this was the only case in which both companies put the same design into production without any significant modification.

The Model 1905 was used by the Belgian Resistance in 1943 in the Attack on the twentieth convoy, in which more than 100 Jews were saved from a Holocaust train transporting them to Auschwitz concentration camp. The gun is now on display in the Kazerne Dossin museum in Mechelen.

10 MAY 026e0000 0aff 0242 a9e2 08da0b8fdf18 cx0 cy9 cw0 w1080 h608俄羅斯的軍隊以及車臣武裝部隊,已經攻進亞述鋼鐵廠內的地下室,遭遇到烏克蘭軍隊及親納粹黨亞述營武裝份子,強烈的抵抗雙方發生激烈的戰鬥屬於短兵相接的戰爭場景,刺激,火爆,血腥與慘烈..

NATO weapons training Azov Nazis UkraineNATO is arming and training Nazis in Ukraine, as US floods Russia’s neighbor with weapons

NATO is sending weapons and trainers to help neo-Nazis in Ukraine’s white-supremacist Azov movement fight Russia. This follows numerous reports of Western government support for Ukrainian far-right extremists.20220310..




....We will fight to the last bullet, declare Ukrainian fighters trapped in  Azovstal steel plant

.Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol recount the hell of siege.


For the first time, Russia authorized an evacuation of civilians who had taken refuge in the Azovstal iron and steel plant in Mariupol, Ukraine..

To each their own personal hell. For the people who took refuge in the basement of a Mariupol steel plant, it was two months in utter darkness. Other refugees who managed to flee Mariupol described a besieged city ravaged by Russian artillery and streets strewn with corpses, but the survivors of the Azovstal steelworks – the last patch of a fierce Ukrainian resistance – spoke about a life underground, an existence without daylight, punctuated by fear and the cries of children."The hope of ever getting out of this hell, after two months of survival, had almost disappeared," said Valentina. At 70, her legs tremble a little and she can no longer take a step without her cane, but her eyes never waver and her thoughts are clear. She described "the walls of the bunkers that trembled constantly" under the crash of the bombs, the persistent fear and the hope that evaporates with time.The people hidden underground in Azovstal lived through a different ordeal than the inhabitants of the city, which has been shelled daily and is now subject to a ruthless Russian occupation. The Ukrainian government estimates that the number of deaths in Mariupol could reach 20,000. They were lucky in a way, in the nightmare of war, to have found refuge in the most resistant shelters of the city, within a metallurgical plant where underground hideouts had been built for factory workers in case of conflict – as was often necessary during the Soviet era.

Residents of Mariupol were evacuated to Zaporizhzhia. Laurent Van der Stockt for Le Mondeghting under way in Mariupol’s Azovstal plant, Ukrainian forces were fighting “difficult, bloody battles” against Russian troops for a second day, Denys Prokopenko, commander of the Azov regiment,the head of Ukraine’s ruling party in parliament, told RFE/RL that Russian forces had entered the plant, but he said that the country’s government remained in contact with the Ukrainian troops staging a last stand.The Kremlin’s official spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, denied reports that Moscow’s forces were trying to storm the Azovstal plant. “The order was publicly given by [Vladimir Putin] to cancel the storming,” Peskov said. “There is no storming.”..

中國,香港鳳凰網電視台的新聞記者,隨者俄羅斯軍隊前進亞述鋼鐵廠內,採訪報導最新的戰爭狀況,於地下室2層室內,拾獲北約軍官使用的,FN-1906.PISTAL GUN.公諸於世.截至筆者發稿為止NATO.美國尚未有任何回應.





烏克蘭的特種部隊曾經突圍亞述鋼鐵廠解救北約軍官團隊但也失敗,俄羅斯情報證實英國SAS.特種部隊混跡在內協助作戰.Inside Azov, the far-Right brigade killing Russian generals and playing a  PR game in the Ukraine war

由此看來外界盛傳亞述鋼鐵廠內有北約軍隊團員,協助指導烏克蘭軍隊執行戰爭無誤,至於是否發現生物實驗室及相關醫事研究員及工作人員,要等待俄羅斯國防部新聞局發佈的戰報為準,一般相信隨者時間的推移,讓亞述鋼鐵廠內的烏克蘭軍隊及親納粹黨的亞述營武裝份子,處在更危險的被包圍殲滅的狀態下,因為他們早已斷水及糧食,槍械,彈藥武器,亦步亦趨的減少,受傷的阿兵哥愈來愈多,根據被俘虜投降的烏克蘭阿兵哥供稱,有些受傷人員無法忍受痛苦,已經自殺,遺體被丟棄在煉鋼爐內焚燬,那些投降的烏克蘭阿兵哥,形容亞述鋼鐵廠地下室就是人間煉獄,喏非親身體驗及親眼見到無法相信他們的存在. .


Azovstal Formigli mostra il bunker dellacciaieria ma è lo screenshot di un gioco da tavolo

.Azovstal: Formigli mostra il bunker dell’acciaieria ma è lo screenshot di un gioco da tavolo.Corrado Formigli durante il suo programma Piazza pulita ha mandato in onda una grafica che avrebbe dovuto rappresentare il bunker dentro l’acciaieria Azovstal. Peccato si trattasse dell’immagine di un gioco da tavolo.

義大利電視台記者CF.專題報導烏克蘭亞述鋼鐵廠內的實際狀況,分析出親納粹黨的亞述營武裝份子已經失敗,戰爭遊戲即將結束.CF.預測烏克蘭已經接獲美國的密令銷毀或是炸毀有關位於亞述鋼鐵廠內的生物實驗室以及一切資訊與資源絕對不可以讓俄羅斯或是車臣找到證據.從電腦模擬的3D.立體鋼鐵廠剖析圖像可以知道生物實驗室的確存在,至少投降的烏克蘭阿兵哥有透露出部份關於生物實驗室的情報,如果屬實待亞述鋼鐵廠被俄羅斯與車臣軍隊收復後,將大規模逐層檢查可疑的廠房地下室空間,將近11公頃的廠區,可能要花費30天詳細的搜查,直到找出來由美國總統敗登的兒子HUNTER BIDEN.投資掌管的生物實驗室.

.Azovstal Formigli mostra il bunker dellacciaieria ma è lo screenshot di un gioco da tavolo..


.Azovstal Formigli mostra il bunker dellacciaieria ma è lo screenshot di un gioco da tavolo

.Questo è il bunker fatto passare per quello dell’Azovstal.Tra l’altro si tratta di un gioco da tavolo mai uscito: qui tutte le info su Blackout per i curiosi e appassionati.

Azov Regiment destroyed at least 1,157 Russian troops in Mariupol

( 時事評論國防軍事 )
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red square 123
2022/05/16 10:43
Image. commander of the 36th Marine Brigade of #Ukraine #Mariupol.he has been told Russia the AZOVSTEEL ISSUE?