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2022/04/24 16:07:03瀏覽603|回應0|推薦12 | |
.ON THE FRONTLINE .SAS commandos deployed to Ukraine as Russia could launch invasion within the ‘next 10 days. How about Russia SPF.? Russia to investigate alleged SAS activities in Ukraine.Putin hunts SAS in Ukraine: Russia launches probe into British elite ‘specialists in sabotage’.俄羅斯認為英國此一時彼一時,派遣SAS.進駐烏克蘭別有用心,因此普京大帝早已準備,迎接挑戰,俄羅斯最精銳的特種部隊,各就各位等待SAS.上門挑戰....Team of SAS veterans to join Ukraines battle against Russian invasion. It is believed that the operation is not being paid for by the UK Government but will instead be funded by a country in Europe, yet to be named, via a private military company. A team of SAS veterans is set to join Ukraines battle against the Russian invasion. Retired UK special forces soldiers have volunteered for a variety of missions deep inside Ukraine to help back up the countrys defence. It is believed that former Paratroopers may at some point join the special forces team in Ukraine, alongside other UK military specialists, The Mirror reports. The veterans, aged between 40 and 60, have had meetings to discuss signing up for the dangerous mission, backing up Ukrainian forces in combat. Among them, and key to their operation, are highly-trained snipers and experts in the use of anti-aircraft and anti-tank missiles.. . .SAS. will save Crack team of SAS veterans join Ukraines fight against Russian invasion:Ukrainian figures say that 5,300 Russian troops have been killed so far. 傳聞烏克蘭要組織1000人的敢死隊保衛基輔與總統VZ. 由英國SAS.負責訓練使用英國武器裝備. .. SAS Weapons - MAC 10.The American-made Ingram MAC 10 or M10 machine pistol was used, albeit rather limitedly, by the SAS during the 70s. . The MAC-10 is a compact weapon that fires 9mm or .45 rounds at a high rate. MAC-10. 輕巧寂靜無聲易於攜帶藏匿,已經有特殊的塑膠工業製品,無法使用金屬探測儀器查證,特殊材料的子彈易容易分解,射入人體爆裂,瞬間而亡沒有痛苦的叫聲? 傳聞以色列反情報小組證實UK/SAS.此一時彼一時進入烏克蘭假借訓練烏克蘭的阿兵哥實際上有特殊任務要執行?. VZ.視察戰場竟然沒有攜帶頭盔? 作秀? 易於被暗殺?
.Ukraine president VZ. possible killing by UK/SAS or USA SPF.? SAS and SBS settled who is toughest with baking competition - and Victoria sponge won EXCLUSIVE: Commanders of both elite regiments needed a tiebreaker after they tied neck and neck in every test on manoeuvres - but the SAS won with a Women’s Institute favourite.Special forces went head to head in a battle to find out who is the toughest – and settled it with a baking competition. The rivalry between the SAS and SBS hit new heights while they were training in the Welsh countryside.But commanders of both elite regiments were left scratching their heads after they tied neck and neck in every test.So they took inspiration from The Great British Bake Off to help them decide which outfit was the best. The SAS won with a Women’s Institute favourite – a Victoria sponge with jam and cream. 英國派遣特種部隊SAS/SBS.協助烏克蘭進行特種任務? 國際戰略專家分析認為: 天下沒有白吃的午餐.英國SAS.協助訓練烏克蘭的阿兵哥(敢死隊)? The British government confirmed this week that a small number of Ukrainian troops are being trained in the UK for the first time since the start of the Russian invasion. . 1:極為可能性的將烏克蘭總統VZ.挾持軟禁,甚至於暗殺掉,因為VZ.涉及許多英國,美國,NATO.等非法事件.殺人滅口? 2:烏克蘭總統VZ.軟硬不吃,多次拒絕執行美國的密令,流亡出逃至第三國,成立流亡政府繼續抵抗俄羅斯. 3:烏克蘭總統VZ 向英國,美國,NATO.等國家索取戰略物質無限制性的貪贓枉法,導致於許多盜賣與倒售軍火事件爆發,戰爭武器的銷耗量驚人的數字,並非大規模戰爭所需求? 4:國際戰略專家分析研判,烏克蘭的戰事即將結束,隨者俄羅斯強勢的軍事力量,必將進行全面整體性的攻擊作戰模式. 5:英國,美國,NATO.等國家無法直接派遣軍隊進入烏克蘭境內作戰,即使美國駐紮波蘭的地82.空降師也就是說無用武之地?, 根據情報顯示出美國極為可能再度派遣特種部隊,滲透進入烏克蘭境內,搞破壞暗殺等戰略性質的戰爭. 6:由於馬立坡的失守,親納粹黨亞述營迪武裝份子,極為可能性的全軍覆沒,但是存放在亞述鋼鐵廠內有極為機密的美國生物研究所的資料,也就是說美國與烏克蘭秘秘研究,斯拉夫人民的生物基因的秘密資料,美國勢在必行要奪取回來,否則一旦落在俄羅斯之手,將美國的惡勢力公開於世界,就是證明美國對於俄羅斯的斯拉夫民族進行種族滅絕的生物戰.難怪烏克蘭總統下令他們死不投降. 7:傳聞俄羅斯早已派遣特種部隊,進入馬立坡亞述鋼鐵廠,搜索美國秘密生物實驗資料,包括紙本文件及電腦儲存資訊,血液樣本及生物體實驗記錄資料,不排除尚有烏克蘭人,俄羅斯人,車臣人,極少數民族包括猶太人在內的活體試驗生物,被亞述營武裝份子囚禁看守,等待價碼交換投降談判? 由於俄羅斯改變策略,不再進攻亞述鋼鐵廠,採取包圍策略,讓死守亞述鋼鐵廠內的烏克蘭阿兵哥及欽納粹黨的亞述武裝份子,以及少數的西方國家NATO.僱傭兵,彈盡援絕最後投降或是自殺悉聽尊便欸, 8:英國,美國,NATO.等國家,都會派遣特種部隊潛入烏克蘭,拯救或是破壞殺人滅口,在未來的14天即可分曉? 它們最重要的任務就是奪回,美國在烏克蘭研究生物計劃實驗室內的所有資料及物質,否則炸毀不留下來證據. 9:烏克蘭的戰爭因素與影響到全世界的和平與經濟發展不容忽視.大國競爭者運用許多非法的戰略及戰術,只有為自己國家利益,犧牲掉別人的利益,烏克蘭就是最好的下場,其結局不僅是國破家亡,甚至於永遠消失? 俄羅斯即為可能性的投置戰術性質的核子武器終止戰爭? 10:戰爭與和平都要付出代價,烏克蘭算是徹底的成為犧牲品給犧牲掉喇 英國新聞媒體大肆報導SAS.進軍烏克蘭戰場要與俄羅斯的特種部隊正面接觸? ..... 英國SAS.都具有實戰經驗許多人士,在敘利亞內戰與俄羅斯的特種部隊及僱傭兵,有正面交戰的記錄,此番再度派遣至烏克蘭,仇人相見分外眼紅,勢所難免隆爭虎鬥,要再與俄羅斯的特種部隊進行生死戰. . . . . . . |
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