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2022/04/07 12:33:30瀏覽636|回應0|推薦12 | |
.. Retired US Special Forces sergeant from Bay Area headed to Ukraine on medical mission ?美國至今保持沉默沒有派遣特種部隊至烏克蘭尤其是MARIUPOL.巷戰? 否認有美軍被車臣軍隊俘獲 ? 那就是說僱傭兵幹的與美軍無關? 退役的阿兵哥? If these idiots run into a combat situation, get killed, and suddenly Russians are killing Americans. I mean, I dont think they understand that like this could literally start World War III. I mean, I think that a lot of people dont understand whats actually at stake when they just want to go shoot some people. I mean, its insane." .. Real Chechens are defending Ukraine’In fact, many of those who helped secure Chechens’ fierce reputation during the first (1994–1996), and second (1999–2009) Chechen wars are now fighting not for, but against Russia in Ukraine.Two Chechen volunteer battalions have fought against Russian-backed separatists and regular Russian forces in the Donbas since 2014, the Sheikh Mansur and Dzhokhar Dudayev battalions. Most of their fighters fled Russia after the fall of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, the de facto independent government that controlled Chechnya between the two wars.Since the invasion, a flurry of audio and video messages and social media posts have been released by the groups pledging support to the Ukrainians’ fight.On 27 February Adam Osmayev, the commander of the Dzhokhar Dudayev Battalion, vowed to help Ukraine win.‘I want to tell Ukrainians that real Chechens, today, are defending Ukraine’, Osmayev said. ‘We have fought, and will continue to fight for Ukraine until the very end.‘ ‘Victory will be with us, God willing. We will celebrate victory in Moscow, in Chechnya, in Crimea, and in Sevastopol. God willing.’ We have only one enemy — this is Russia’: the Chechens taking up arms for Ukraine.攻下MARIUPOL.車臣軍隊功不可沒.第一名..While Putin’s man in Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, has gained attention for his bombastic support for the Russian invasion of Ukraine — other Chechens are once again taking up arms against Russia. On 25 February, the day after Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine, Chechen head Ramzan Kadyrov gathered over 10,000 members of the Russian security forces in the centre of Grozny in a show of force. ‘We have gathered to secure our state and our people. Therefore, we once again gathered to show that we will support any decision of the Commander-in-Chief . . 大量車臣軍隊投入MARIUPOL城市巷戰,協助俄羅斯打擊亞述營新納粹黨.. 由於車臣軍隊歷經2次的車臣戰爭,與俄羅斯軍隊交手有豐富城市巷戰經驗,此一時彼一時,.車臣效忠俄羅斯,聽命於普京大帝,消滅新納粹黨的亞述營武裝份子,.因為第二次世界大戰期間,納粹黨德軍,殺害許多信仰伊斯蘭教的車臣人民由此看來車臣軍隊攻打MARIUPOL.遇到NATO.美國,法國,英國的軍事顧問,協助亞述營擬定作戰計劃,抵抗車臣軍隊,能夠支撐35天的戰鬥,實屬不易,其根本原因就是被俄羅斯軍隊包圍切斷補級,戰局轉為被動挨打,最終彈盡援絕,失敗撤離或是被車臣部隊經由巷戰逐一消滅乾淨,MARIUPOL.超過90% 以上的建築物均被攻擊炸毀,而亞述營的指揮總部也被攻下,可知戰況慘烈,亞述營的武裝份子慘不忍睹的被殺死,待日後俄羅斯國防部公開作戰記錄影片就知道車臣軍隊兇殘勇猛 .. 車臣軍隊在領導人舉行誓師大會後正式出兵烏克蘭攻打MARIUPOL.戰績輝煌車臣總統卡迪羅夫(Ramzan Kadyrov)他已被普京晉升為中將.. . Ukrainian soldier takes up a position in Mariupol. .Azov Battalion training camp for one former holiday resort near Mariupol. Foreign fighters from at least 35 Western white supremacist and ultranationalist groups are battling for either Russia or Ukraine. 美國記者獨家揭曉,美國特種部隊直接參與烏克蘭馬立坡城市巷戰35天之久? 失敗撤兵? 根據情報顯出,美國自從2016年起,就秘密訓練烏克蘭新納粹黨的亞述營武裝份子,他們盤踞於烏克蘭的馬立坡,人數高達3000餘人左右,.接受美軍訓練及使用制式美軍武器裝備,否則不會在馬立坡支撐35天之久的巷戰,俄羅斯出動車臣武裝部隊,血戰馬立坡終於消滅亞述營的新納粹黨武裝份子,其中約有300餘人被俘虜,傳聞20220402.烏克蘭派出武裝直昇機突圍馬立坡,企圖接走NATO.軍事顧問撤離,但是失敗法國,美國,英國,保持沉默,待俄羅斯國防部調查清楚,就會公開真相,NATO.是如何違反與俄羅斯的"明斯克協議",由此觀之俄羅斯勢在必行,大勢報復,絕對會出動TU-95.戰略轟炸機,日夜不停的轟炸機烏克蘭的首都基輔,直到烏克蘭簽署和平投降協議為止,這樣一來烏克蘭的阿兵哥及老百姓,又要為法國,美國,英國當成犧牲品給犧牲掉真悲哀. . 美軍特種部隊直接參與MARIUPOL.城市巷戰?. Rrussia air force TU-95.Bomber will fight to KYIV.ASAP?.US neo-Nazis looking for ‘combat experience’ fighting in Ukraine.By Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon . Two US neo-Nazis who previously served in Afghanistan, pose in Kyiv. The one on the left has the neo-Nazi Totenkopf symbol taped to the butt of his gun. (Reporter Nolan Peterson on Twitter via the Washington Free Beacon). .Neo-Nazis and white supremacists from the United States and Europe have traveled to Ukraine to fight on both sides of the war with Russia, providing these extremists with valuable battlefield experience as they seek to increase their violent operations domestically, according to a report from a watchdog group monitoring the situation. Foreign fighters from at least 35 neo-Nazi, white supremacist, and ultranationalist groups based in the United States, Canada, and Europe “have members fighting on both sides in [the] Russia-Ukraine conflict,” according to an analysis from the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), which has been tracking the flow of extremist groups into the region. The groups are seeking to give their allies “combat experience, saying that the training and materials given to volunteers who travel to Ukraine will be useful in a future civil war in their home countries.” Americans who have joined the conflict include residents of Texas, Ohio, Virginia, and Tennessee, according to the report.Though the extremists account for a small fraction of the total fighters on each side of the war, their involvement could provide members with battlefield experience and help these groups commit more sophisticated attacks in their own countries. The presence of U.S. and European extremists in Ukraine shows that these groups are taking a page from the jihadi playbook, in which foreign fighters are sent into regional hotzones to develop critical combat experience. With this knowledge, North American-based Nazi groups could amplify their efforts state-side, making MEMRI’s report a vital source of information for U.S. law enforcement organizations and others. Photographs and videos unearthed by MEMRI show neo-Nazi and other white supremacist groups in Ukraine with AK-47s and other munitions.For U.S. fighters on each side of the conflict, their participation is less ideological and more practical, according to MEMRI’s analysis. One American neo-Nazi posted in an online chat group in late March that he and others are “focused on the benefits of gaining combat experience, [and called] for people to ‘join a paramilitary so you can learn to make explosives and become a soldier like a boss.” The comments further lend credibility to claims that these extremist groups are hoping to bring their battlefield experience back home. Reporter Nolan Peterson posted an image in mid-March of two “American militants, one with tape showing the neo-Nazi Totenkopf symbol on his rifle butt, on the eastern Kyiv front,” according to MEMRI. “It is unclear which units the Americans are fighting with.” Additionally, “the former leader of a U.S.-based accelerationist group announced in an interview published on March 15, that he is fighting for Ukrainian forces against Russia with an unidentified ‘local militia,” according to MEMRI’s report, a full copy of which includes identifying information about these individuals that is being withheld for security reasons. “Neo-Nazi, white supremacist, and antigovernment extremists in North America have volunteered to fight with Ukrainian forces for various reasons: to defeat ‘mongoloid’ Russia, gain experience in combat, or to install a ‘pro-white’ government,” according to the report. .
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