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2017/04/20 21:49:26瀏覽444|回應0|推薦3 | |
Russian Navy gets new Admiral Essen frigate built for Black Sea fleet.The ship has a balanced weapons suite, an artillery system, the sophisticated Kalibr missile system and a well-balanced up-to-date Shtil-1 surface-to-air missile system. 俄羅斯海軍黑海艦隊取得最新導向飛彈護衛艦. 而且俄羅斯海軍也希望採購小型飛彈快艇.黑海艦隊是前蘇聯時期最強大的艦隊現計劃重建這隻具有224年悠久歷史的海軍艦隊,待筆者蒐集完整資料,再向讀者們專題報導黑海艦隊敬請期待. ST. PETERSBURG, 20170419. Russia’s Navy hopes to get 40 combat and support ships this year, the Navy’s commander-in-chief, Vladimir Korolyov, said on Wednesday. "This year we are to get 40 combat and logistic ships, including frigates The Admiral Gorshkov and The Admiral Makarov, as well as missile boats," he said.
Russian Navy plans to purchase many Project 22800 small missile ships Ladny guided missile frigate to join Russian Navy force in Mediterranean
( 時事評論|國防軍事 ) |