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2017/04/09 23:18:36瀏覽435|回應0|推薦5 | |
普京第一時間發表聲明,指責美國的這次空襲是「一場侵略」,隨即與美國關閉國防熱線,俄羅斯軍艦也在向地中海的美國軍艦靠攏,大有一言不合就開打的架勢。不是破壞不大,傷亡很少嗎?俄羅斯幹嘛這麼生氣? 根據西方軍事情報界透露出,美國一口氣將敘利亞的空軍基地內俄羅斯飛機幾乎全面性摧毀? 看起來美國已忍耐3年之久,為要報復蘇聯在敘利亞境內消滅反抗政府的遊擊隊,所以說出美國這回逮到機會出手,至於美國為何使用TTPV新型戰斧巡弋飛彈攻擊敘利亞,原因很簡單盡量 減少人員傷亡,只摧毀武器就好?畢竟美國武器系統棋高喔? A spokesman for Vladimir Putin said the US had violated international law “under a false pretext”, and UN deputy ambassador, Vladimir Safronkov, warned “extremely serious” consequences could follow the strike. TIf Russia once maintained at least a semblance of distance from President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, it rushed to his defense after the American missile strike ordered by President Trump on Thursday. The attack cemented Moscow more closely than ever to the notorious Syrian autocrat. 2017年4月6日,美國為報復敘利亞阿賽德政權殃及平民的致命化武攻擊,於川習會時,下令發射59枚戰斧飛彈攻擊巴沙爾·阿薩德部隊的謝拉特基地。 [Fifty-nine Tomahawk missiles, launched before dawn from warships in the eastern Mediterranean, threatened hopes for Russian-American rapprochement just ahead of the first major meeting between Washington, which has armed anti-Assad rebels, and Moscow, which has held Assad up against them.
從現場的損毀看,這次「戰斧」飛彈的威力似乎太小了,地面上連大的彈坑都沒有。但鋼筋混凝土的機庫還在,裡面的飛機卻完全炸毀了!What"s happing? so strong by US.戰斧巡弋飛彈(Tomahawk cruise missile) 那是因為美國這次發射的,根本不是普通的「戰斧」!而是「侵徹型戰術戰斧」 (TTPV),是美國在第四代「戰斧」的基礎上研製的新一代「戰術戰斧」! 「侵徹型戰術戰斧」能夠在不依賴GPS的情況下獨立制導,採用了模塊化結構,同時減少了戰鬥部裝藥,彈體重量大大減輕。它的打擊目標,就是對方嚴密保護的化學、生物和核武器的倉庫,並且在打擊過程中不使化學毒劑、生物病毒及核裝置發生大規模泄露。
The American-led task force that is battling the Islamic State has sharply reduced airstrikes against the militants in Syria as commanders assess whether Syrian government forces or their Russian allies plan to respond to the United States’ cruise missile strike on a Syrian airfield this past week, American officials said. The precautionary move, revealed in statistics made public by the command on Saturday, was taken as Russian officials have threatened to suspend the communication line the American and Russian militaries use to notify each other about air operations in Syria. U.S. Strikes Syria With Cruise Missile Attack. Early Friday morning local time, the United States launched a cruise missile attack on Syria. The 59 Raytheon Tomahawk cruise missiles were sent in retaliation for the Syrian regime's chemical weapons attack on rebel-held territory in the northern part of the country on April 4. That attack, which used sarin, killed dozens and made hundreds sick. |
( 時事評論|國防軍事 ) |