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TOEIC 補充練習:一字多義(一)
2013/10/18 01:00:57瀏覽817|回應0|推薦0

1. ___ I got a call from my brother last night.

a. animal/bird noise

b. shout

c. telephone call

2. ___ We heard a bird that had a very loud and unusual call.

3. ___ He gave a call to passersby for help.

4. ___ We were in the same class at school.

a. social position

b. group of students

c. level of quality

5. ___ A lot of British comedy is based on class differences.

6. ___ He always travels business class.

7. ___ They took their landlord to court for breaking the contract.

a. tennis court

b. court of law

c. royal court

8. ___ He won after only 50 minutes on court.

9. ___ The queen assembled her court.

10. ___ Write your date of birth on the second line.

a. type of fruit

b. meeting with someone

c. particular day

11. ___ She asked him out on a date.

12. ___ A date is a small, sweet, brown fruit from a kind of palm tree.

13. ___ He put each memo in its proper file.

a. folder

b. row

c. tool

14. ___ A file of ants walked past my windowsill.

15. ___ I shape my fingernails with a file.

16. ___ This bread is (as) hard as a rock.

a. difficult

b. not soft

c. doing something with energy

17. ___ It was very hard to find a replacement for her.

18. ___ Shes a hard worker.

19. ___ Please make a note of the dates.

a. musical symbol

b. short writing to help remember

c. currency

20. ___ Despite a few wrong notes, the pianist gave a generally good performance.

21. ___ Who left this 10-dollar note on my desk?

22. ___ She won a seat on the board of directors.

a. place to sit

b. location of power

c. membership

23. ___ I’d like an aisle seat, please.

24. ___ The Vatican is the seat of the Roman Catholic Church.

Answer key

1~3          cab

4~6          bac

7~9          bac

10~12      cba

13~15      abc

16~18      bac

19~21      bac

22~24      cab


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