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Time Forgotten: 同學會後記
2013/09/22 23:07:41瀏覽326|回應0|推薦0

Time Forgotten: 同學會後記



Twenty-four years is enough time for much to come to pass.



Twenty-four years ago, we left university, green but eager to teach. Today, we got together again. And I guess time had forgotten us in the meantime, some way or the other.



Several people deserve the credit for making this class reunion ever come true—on the ground that a certain attempt to bring us together had failed once, according to the balding gentleman sitting next to me (all right, not balding, just his widow’s peak getting higher)—and the turnout was simply the greatest yet!



No doubt, Michelle and her family were the major reason we had this party. Being an expat on the opposite side of the world for an extended period of time, she did make our hearts grow fonder. She had been single last time she had come back; however, in the following decade, she managed to start a family. We were all dying to meet her sweet children and loving husband.



I wouldn’t say she hasn’t changed a bit; in the end, she has turned into a mother. Not once did I hear her unique giggly laugh today. But those understanding eyes reminded me of days when we two had worked on some projects back in school. (Of course, I had failed to get my points understood by her at times.) I won’t do her justice without mentioning what excellent physical shape she’s still in! Time’s not fair here.



But, as a bunch of old-timers who don’t frequent Facebook much (or at all) or who may have difficulty reading text on screen (okay, I mean me.), fat chance we could have contacted so many classmates. Baby-face Ming has compiled and kept as comprehensive a list of everyone’s contact info as possible. This is no hands-down work and that diligence calls for a sonorous bravo.



And it is impressive that big limpid-eyed Ming (don’t get confused, this is not the baby-face one) had been able to get in touch with quite a few strays, some of whom we had never seen again after our graduation. Folks, when she is determined, she means business, you know.



A party won’t be successful without good food. Our forever pure Lily recommended and booked this great restaurant to give everything a nice finishing touch. Her two handsome boys didn’t accompany her this time though. Teenagers.



When bitter-sweet memories of the old days grow sweeter, we know how time has played on our subconscious mind. But what matters now is eyes alight with excitement, broad smiles on our lips, and warmth conveyed from one hug to another.



Time-forgotten. Time has no business here to interfere with our bonds of friendship.



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