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2019/01/01 23:49:59瀏覽448|回應0|推薦0 | |
Q. Researchers have been developing a more reliable method of ____ spent fuel from nuclear power station. A. procession D. processing 都是名詞為什麼不能選A呢
A. 2017/11/24 當然只看介系詞 of,會這麼想,但是空格後面還有內容哦: (1) Researchers have been developing a more reliable method. (2) ___ spent fuel from nuclear power station (spent 是形容詞,「用過的,不能再用的」)
眉角就在名詞 fuel,我們不會把兩個名詞這樣「procession fuel」兜在一起,而是用介系詞連接: procession of spent fuel… 不過這接在 a…method of 後,實在太不乾脆,of 來 of 去。
所以只要把 (2) 當成獨立句,答案就豁然開朗了: (1) Researchers have been developing a more reliable method. (2a) Using this method, we can process spent fuel from nuclear power station. 只要把 2a 的動詞改成動名詞 processing,就可以放在介係詞 of 之後啦!
Tip: 下次再遇到這種句子,先找出空格後面的介系詞 (例如本句的 from) 或連接詞,提醒自己答案必須配合 of 和後面介系詞之間的所有內容: …of ___ spent fuel from… |
( 知識學習|語言 ) |