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銀河聯邦發言人SaLuSa:地球官方已接觸ET八十年‧NASA掩飾‧. ============= Kris Won, May 8, 2011 According to the intentions of their speakers, you will know if they really come to help you or if they have other things in mind. This advice can be applied in all spheres, not only in the terrestrial sphere. Until only a few years ago, you had to be very alert about the communications you were receiving (some contactees know this well, like Sixto Paz and Eugenio Siracusa, among others), for there was on the surface of your planet some visiting civilizations whose interest was more of a scientific nature (for their science, obviously) than a spiritual one. They had not come to help you evolve spiritually, but to study your behaviour and also your genetics, and to understand how your internal organs functioned. You named them "the Greys" because of their skin colour. There are famously sad abduction cases in which members of your human race were beamed into their small laboratory-spaceships where they were observed and studied by those small beings. They gave all of us the same reputation, that extraterrestials had come to kidnap and terrorize you, and in that way they put us all in the same "bag" - no matter who we were, no matter what intention we had. Also the wish of some filmmakers to produce sensationalistic and frightening movies has contributed to the expansion of that lie, that we all come with those same selfish and egoistic intentions. But since a few years ago, close to the turn of the millennium, the Galactic Federation decided to intervene in order to protect the population of the Earth and to dissolve the agreement and plot that the Greys had organized together with some members of the United States government. Although there were other countries who were aware of this plot, it was explicitly the United States military government who had made this agreement with the Greys, especially the military command of that North American country. The Federation intervened in order to protect the innocent population, mostly in the United States, for many of them were being used as guinea pigs, with the approval of the military and certain North American Secret Espionage Agencies. It (the Galactic Federation) intervened with a complex logistical plan, starting by disabling those visitors' technology, and ending with their capture inside their own spaceships, banishing them from this planet and sending them back to their Solar System of origin, one very close to yours. Once the first part of the plan, the Greys' evacuation, was concluded, a grid formed through a type of energy unknown to you on this planet was created, one that is self-intelligent - without having a life of its own, for it has been weaved through our technology - and capable of discerning the type of visitor trying to gain access to your atmosphere and ground. Well, if a visitor or visitors don't have a pure and altruistic intention to help the population, this help possibly having a whole array of characteristics, the energetic grid will impede their access to this planet. In this way, the Galactic Federation makes sure that no other exterior civilization with intentions similar to that of the Greys can interfere with the Ascension process to which you have a right, by express decision of He Who Is All Love and All Mercy. We don't deny to you that there have been occasions when we have had to adopt drastic measures with some civilizations who came with hostile purposes or, at the very least, with no intention to help you; but you can count these cases with the fingers of one hand because the vast majority of visits that you have had since the beginning of the new millennium have been those of (your) brothers who have come to help, not to experiment or to extract minerals from the earth's crust of your planet. I have explained this to you so that you are calm, knowing that your process of elevation to the fifth dimension is being protected by all of us, as well as by the precise technology of the energetic grid surrounding Gaia since a few years of your Earth time. The internal events occurring on your planet in which you yourselves play a leading role, and which you have knowledge of because you see them on your daily newscasts, are another matter we will speak of in another communique later on. May the Light of the Infinite and Eternal Creator of all worlds surround you and fill you with Peace and Love. Source: Commander Sohin 信息源頭:飛船指揮官 梭辛 Channel: Kris-Won 信息管道:克里斯-王 (西班牙籍男子) �X�B: 2011.05.08阿爾法飛船:勾結美國軍方綁架人類的灰人已被銀河聯邦驅離 - 2012 銀河聯邦之靛藍新時代 - udn部落格 http://blog.udn.com/atdomain/5213526#ixzz221wFkzWr
Sheldan Nidle接收銀河聯邦 2011.2.8訊息:不尋常的振動就是開始的信號 原文網址 http://www.galacticchannelings.com/english/sheldan08-02-11.html This physical transformation is to create the environment in which you will carry out your role as true physical Angels in this Milky Way Galaxy. You will be responsible for sustaining your living world and for maintaining the vital life energies that flow throughout the solar system. Yet these tasks are not limited to simply keeping up your planetary homes; they extend to helping other groups of physical Angels maintain this galaxy and all others that are part of physicality. We understand that at this time this can seem rather overwhelming to you, but it will, in truth, be only one of the many tasks you will perform each day. Surrounding and supporting you will be a planetary galactic society, made up of many major 'clans' that allow your society to function at its fullest potential. Next, you are in contact with fellow associates from other worlds scattered throughout this galaxy. Together you have formed the Galactic Federation to be the vehicle through which you can all fulfill your primary duties to Heaven and to each other. Furthermore, you have reached out to other galaxies and created similar organizations to manifest the divine plan. The above scenario actually describes our experience four million years ago. Since that time, we have been integrating hundreds of thousands of galactic societies into our Federation from the farthest reaches of this galaxy. As we welcome these newly awakened star-nations, we learn much about the stunning diversity that the Creator has spread among us. You, too, are in for a magnificent treat as you begin your own journey of consciousness. We have come here to oversee the procedures that will return you to full consciousness, despite our Science and Exploration fleet's assessment that you were far from ready for our arrival. Inspired by Heaven's pronouncements we assembled a first-contact command and came in joyful anticipation to your shores. Over the past two decades we watched and learned, and then incrementally (as allowed ) participated in those actions that are now leading you to full consciousness. These actions have now reached a stage where a synopsis would be useful; it is important that you comprehend that we are not in violation of your free will. The Creator sent us here with a broad mandate which we are now to discuss with you. This mandate is divided into two parts: first contact, and the wider implications of this for each one of you, starting with your history which can be divided roughly into three parts: the first is your arrival on Lemuria; the second is the rise of Atlantis and your fall into limited consciousness; the third is your protracted odyssey through the dark realms and your rise back to full consciousness. From this bird's eye view, you can understand that this time span is composed of a sequence of what many on your planet call Grand Cycles. Each of these cycles is approximately 26,000 years. Since the beginning of Lemuria over 900,000 years ago, you have completed 34 such cycles and are poised to complete the 35th. This grand cycle is to conclude in the coming solar (or galactic) year of 8 Manik. This is when a special series of galactic events is slated to occur after your Sun crosses the Galactic Equator. The principle reason for our arrival in great numbers is, quite simply, that this special time in your history has arrived. The tumultuous events happening all across your planet are a result of the fact that you are completing this 35th grand cycle. We come to welcome you and to assist, both as mid-wife and as mentor, in your transformation into full consciousness. This moment was pegged way back in your history as the time for this wondrous change in consciousness. The Anunnaki, at that time affiliated to the dark continuum Anchara, were well aware of this and had intended to circumvent this eventuality by means of a series of dastardly deeds, but this was short-circuited by the abrupt change of allegiance and subsequent pacifist declarations of Anchara. This led in the mid- 1990s to a peace treaty with the Galactic Federation, which profoundly altered the wars in this galaxy. It brought forth the great peace that had been ordained by the Divine many eons ago. In this time of galactic peace, we have come to complete a prophecy that is pivotal to that peace. Gaia (Mother Earth) contains the source for this galaxy. She is therefore vitally important to that peace, since the Peace of Anchara is dependent on Mother Earth wholly returning to full consciousness. This places the onus on us to complete this historic mission successfully. For a time the dark cabal delayed this goal, and so we must now hurry things along more rapidly than first intended. To this end we have brought to the attention of the dark cabal's regimes the fact that our patience has run thin. Several actions have been taken to reinforce this point to the cabal's leaders, thus bringing the various objectives we are responsible for to the brink of manifestation. At present we are in the midst of finishing those tasks that precede the grand changes that we have touched on in many messages to you. Gaia, in tandem with your global reality, is at that point where her vast transformation can commence; the rising turbulence in your atmosphere and oceans, and the rumblings of your land are signs of this. This indicates that your reality has arrived at that decisive point where it requires either enhanced bolstering, or the go-ahead for the dramatic calamities to begin. We know that these portents show clearly that further delay will only increase the intensity of these changes. The moment for the great changes to be unveiled has arrived, and the time for action is now. Great deeds to spearhead this imperative for change are now urgently required. Today, we discussed what is happening and what we intend to do about it. Supreme moments in Creation are marked by valiant and just deeds which unfold the divine plan, giving sovereignty and liberty back to those who have temporarily been divested of these God-given rights. We come as instruments of the Divine, ready to unfurl the next chapter in your history. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) Planetary Activation Organization 行星激活組織 www.paoweb.com �X�B: Sheldan Nidle接收銀河聯邦 2011.2.8訊息:不尋常的振動就是開始的信號 - 2012 銀河聯邦之靛藍新時代 - udn部落格 http://blog.udn.com/atdomain/4875683#ixzz222B08HGa |
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