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2012/05/18 15:27:31瀏覽626|回應0|推薦1 | ||
實 驗 室 檢 查(LABORATORY EXAMINATIONS) A.HIV抗體檢查(Serological Test for HIV Antibody):□陽性(Positive) □陰性(Negative) □未確定(Indeterminate) a.篩檢(Screening Test): □EIA □Serodia □其他(Others)______________ b.確認(Confirmatory Test):□Western Blot □其他(Others)______________ B.胸部X光檢查肺結核(Chest X-Ray for Tuberculosis):(妊娠孕婦可免接受「胸部X光檢查」) □正常(Normal) □異常 ( Abnormal ) ______________________※限大片攝影(Standard Film Only) C.腸內寄生蟲(含痢疾阿米巴等原蟲)糞便檢查(採用離心濃縮法檢查)(Stool examination for parasites includes Entameba histolytica etc.)(centrifugal concentration method): □陽性,種名( Positive, Species ) ______________________ □陰性(Negative) D.梅毒血清檢查(Serological Test for Syphilis):□陽性(Positive)□陰性(Negative) a.□RPR b.□VDRL c.□TPHA/TPPA d.□其它(Other) E.麻疹及德國麻疹之抗體陽性檢驗報告或預防接種證明(proof of positive measles and rubella antibody titers or measles and rubella vaccination certificates): a.抗體檢查(Antibody test ) 麻疹抗體measles antibody titers □陽性 Positive □陰性 Negative 德國麻疹抗體rubella antibody titers □陽性 Positive □陰性 Negative b.預防接種證明 Vaccination Certificates □麻疹預防接種證明Vaccination Certificates of Measles □德國麻疹預防接種證明Vaccination Certificates of Rubella c. □經醫師評估,有接種禁忌者,暫不適宜接種。(Having contraindications, not suitable for vaccination)
( 知識學習|健康 ) |