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雷射攻擊 紐西蘭客機有驚無險(圖) ps.一篇奇怪的新聞 (抓到可能的兇手了, 30分內)
2011/04/16 01:09:16瀏覽526|回應0|推薦0


雷射攻擊 紐西蘭客機有驚無險






【2011/04/15 Upaper】@ http://udn.com/



1. >>被高能量的雷射瞄準,1名飛行員眼睛被雷射打中。

=> 以為是外星人要發動攻擊了,不過都沒事,是誰發動攻擊 ? 或可能是誰發動攻擊 ?

2. >>當地警方發言人表示,「這是很嚴重的攻擊」。

=> 那肯定是 ! 不過是誰發動攻擊 ? 或可能是誰發動攻擊 ? 警方發言好像有限,還是記者問得有限 ? (實習記者的練習稿 ?)


=> 阿,咱們怎麼都不知道,對厚,全球性的問題 ? 那政府有準備嗎 ? 或許台灣不可能發生吧 ! (還是我們沒參加聯合國...瘋啦...亂問 ! )

4.沒頭沒尾的新聞 !?

5. 來查外電看看...


抓到兩個了 ! 30 Dec 2010及14 Apr 2011 ,有空再點進去看 !

看看au 以外 ,然後 2009...   等下下喔

  • 30 Dec 2010 ... A POWERFUL laser tracked a Jetstar passenger aircraft for about 10 kilometres ... But the plane landed safely a short time later at its intended ... A Jetstar spokesman said the safety of passengers on board was not compromised. ... own new twist on street art, stunning passers-by with some shocking ...
    www.news.com.au/.../news/...plane...laser-attack/story-e6frfq80- 1225978627719

  • 14 Apr 2011 ... The laser attacks follow on from a previous incident earlier ...
    www.news.com.au/.../news/dangerous-laser...passenger-planes.../story- e6frfq80-1226038848294

  • =================================

  • ps.註 :

  • 沒想到當玩具或教具越來越先進, 而且便宜到小朋友都有機會買到, 可怕的後果是, 好奇或好玩也可能帶來致命的大災難 !

  • 我想, 警方應該已埋伏在機場四週, 或許半年內就可以抓到危險的好奇寶寶 ! 對了, 警方跟記者都保密, 我看, 我們要講小聲一點喔... 嗯...高能量的攻擊...

  • Laser attacks on planes doubled in 2010

    Ferris Jabr, reporter

    For less than $30 you can purchase a laser pointer upwards of 100 milliwatts, powerful enough to pinpoint a star in the night sky with an unwavering beam of eerie green.

    Astronomers are especially fond of the devices. Unfortunately, so are pranksters and vandals.

    Reports of lasers aimed at airplanes have nearly doubled in the last year, leaping from 1,527 in 2009 to 2,836 in 2010 the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced yesterday.

    laser pointer.jpg(Image: flip619/Wikipedia under CC BY-SA 3.0 license)

    "This is a serious safety issue," said U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood in the prepared statement. Deliberately shining a laser at a plane is also a federal offence.

    A sudden flash of laser light inside a cockpit can dangerously distract a pilot by imposing the same kind of temporary blindness that often follows a powerful camera flash. The past few years have witnessed a number of what seem to be malicious laser attacks on aircraft. In March of 2008, unidentified individuals wielding four green laser pointers launched a coordinated attack on six incoming airplanes at Sydney Airport.

    In February 2009, 12 pilots landing their planes at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport reported similar disturbances. This month 52-year-old Gerard Sasso of Medford, Massachusetts was sentenced to three years in prison after intercepting a State Police helicopter with an industrial grade green laser. He was only the second man in the United States to ever be convicted of lasering an aircraft.

    "I think the chances of this happening at cruise altitude are slim, but the chances during take off or approach are pretty good," says Jay Apt a retired NASA astronaut and pilot who currently teaches at the Carnegie Mellon Tepper School of Business. "Is this a nuisance that people ought to be aware of? Absolutely. I don't want some yahoo waving around his green laser near an airport."

    The Food and Drug Administration says that any laser device whose power exceeds 5 milliwatts cannot be marketed or sold as a laser pointer. And the FAA dutifully records any reports from pilots of undesirable lights. But neither of these measures will be nearly as effective as enforcing the legal repercussions already in place around the world. The difficulty is that, in the wrong hands, a laser is the ultimate long-distance weapon - the source of the offence can be incredibly difficult to trace.

    If the dangers are truly increasing, governments should reevaluate the commercial status of all laser devices and consider - as with other potential weapons - how to make the gadgets more difficult to buy even in the age of online shopping.

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