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2013/09/15 12:28:30瀏覽75|回應0|推薦0 | |
今天(2012/11/15) 忘了老二有課後活動, 到下午四點才需要接回來。 既然去到學校, 順便跟二女兒的 homeroom teacher 談了一下, 我想她不是太高興我寄去的mail 。 這些回家功課的紙頁都是該老師準備/選集的, 並且題目她上課都教過了。 老師說: The copier in school is really bad, I apology for the quality. (問題是不是每一張影本都很糟, 有些特別糟) I should not have sent home that copy in question. But TUSD has certain policy for the homework. (意思是- 我找碴→ 要她違規) This is the first time any parent tell me that there is such a problem. (其它的家長不用監督孩子的作業? 還是我的視力特糟?) I promise you that it will not happen again. (請打住妳的抱怨?) 我提議是否需要文書工作上的協助, 她說不用。 下面就是我昨天寄出的 email, 大女兒幫我潤飾過了, 不然我的語氣更壞。 Hello Ms C: After a long frustrating time with the papers you sent home, I finally got to write this email.
I apologize if my English is not very clear. First of all, where did you gather the papers from to be as homeworks? They are lacking the constancy in topic/theme. I expect the practice in the homework is what they have learned in school. Some of the homework were too simple, and some on the other hand were too hard for second grader. Others have concepts that require quite a bit of mental work, and these parts, I feel, are too complex because Acacia's ability was always behind the other children in her class. For instance, for some of the abstract concepts, such as the idea of "before," I have tried to explain to her what these ideas mean, but she could not grasp the idea at all.
Secondly, the copying of the papers were mostly illegible. Some copies were either not clear (not straight, or sometimes cut off a number of different locations on the paper), or too small for children(sometimes for me) to read or write on. I think the printed workbook might even be more profitable for me to work with her.
Overall, I would like to see a change in the homework, at least in the quality of the copying of papers. Unclear or fainted words leads to major frustration, and also due to these errors, Acacia could not do some parts of the homework properly, forced to jot down a mere question mark to indicate that Acacia and I have attempted the homework. Thank you.
有空我再掃上一些老師送回來的作業紙... 應該不是我太苛刻。 minerval於2012/11/17 04:09 回應
這語氣是有點強硬. cliqueyi 克莉伊於2012/11/29 03:49回覆
隔天, 我就覺得自己火氣有點太大了。 不過老公跟老大都有看過我所抱怨的文件 , 他們也是覺得這個老師自我要求較低。 =================================================================== (updates 9/14/13: 一直沒有再補上 scan 。 生活不斷產生新狀況。 在這位老師的幫助下, 老二的學習突飛猛進。不僅我轉變觀感, 感謝C老師的幫助, 該老師也不曾記仇. 依舊平心靜氣地繼續教導著我的女兒。 到了2013五月份學期末, 雙方都像是浩劫餘生的互道感謝之詞。 到了今年的(三年級)八月份, 因為學校作業的關係 (人數不足班級又合併重整)老二已經轉換到第三位導師。 在校學習變成噩夢重現。 文中的C老師也轉調到別的學校去了。 下周我還要去學校觀察一下, 看看是否需要幫孩子轉學, 或者恢復施藥(ADHD)。
( 在地生活|北美 ) |