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2013/10/08 15:53:37瀏覽59|回應0|推薦1 | ||||||||||||||
影片來源:新唐人電視台 NTDTV.com YouTube:中國新聞_勁news頻道 YouTube:新唐人環球新聞 翻牆部落谷:翻牆、電驢、連環畫、電子報、部落格聯播 台灣國際器官移植關懷協會: YouTubea facebook 【新唐人2013年10月08日訊】因為幫民眾維權,遭到中共毆打導致癱瘓的大陸維權律師倪玉蘭,被關押了兩年半之後,日前刑滿獲釋。她目前身患多種疾病,生活不能自理,急需治療,但她強調仍然會繼續維權。她將狀告中共警方,並要求當局歸還她家的財產。 10月7號,剛剛刑滿獲釋的倪玉蘭告訴《新唐人》,她出獄當天,北京有關部門還妄圖再次綁架她。 前中國維權律師倪玉蘭:「5號我出監的時候,他們西城的司法人員和警察在北京市女子監獄門口側門,企圖將我秘密轉移它處,結果沒有得逞,因為家裏人及時趕到這邊,把我接走了。」 今年53歲的倪玉蘭,12年前因為幫助民眾維權,在拍攝強拆現場時,被北京警方抓捕,毒打致殘疾。 倪玉蘭:「2002年的時候,因為別人家拆遷,我曾經幫助他們拍過照片,所以被警察抓到派出所,然後對我施加酷刑,他們把我捆起來,毒打我,又把我抓到西城分局看守所關押,後來導致我身體殘疾。」 2002年7月,北京警方以「阻礙辦公秩序罪」,將倪玉蘭行政拘留10天後,又以「涉嫌妨害公務罪」向西城檢察院提請逮捕,案卷雖然被退回,但倪玉蘭被非法拘留了75天。 之後,倪玉蘭開始上訪,當年11月27號,西城區法院再以「妨害公務罪」對她判刑一年,她的律師資格也被吊銷。 2008年,倪玉蘭家遭遇當局違法強拆,因阻止強拆,她被誣陷所謂「踢打警察」而被關押,關押前,她被警方毒打的遍體鱗傷。 倪玉蘭:「我遍體鱗傷,一個人躺在一間骯髒的屋子裡面,根本就沒人管我,他們也不給我水喝,也不給我飯吃,就這樣一人待了很長時間,然後我的情況就變得越來越嚴重,因為他們不給我看病,也不給我治病。」 隨後,倪玉蘭被當局以「妨礙公務」為名,判刑兩年。關押在北京女子監獄期間,獄警不准她使用枴杖和輪椅,讓她每天爬著到工廠包裝11000雙筷子,幹不完就對她辱罵、毆打。 倪玉蘭2010年出獄後,警方強制把她和丈夫董繼勤關押在北京西城區一間「黑賓館」。 2011年2月11號,當時的美國駐華大使洪博培曾經去賓館探望倪玉蘭,12月22號,荷蘭政府授予倪玉蘭「人權捍衛者鬱金香獎」。 去年4月,中共再次秘密抓捕倪玉蘭夫婦,倪玉蘭被判刑兩年6個月,罪名是「尋釁滋事」和「詐騙」罪,而董繼勤也被當局以「尋釁滋事罪」判刑兩年。 倪玉蘭:「因為我身體的狀況非常差,所以受到朋友們的關注,然後國際上的朋友們也在為我們呼籲,然後有些大使館的官員們也到女子監獄來看望我,詢問我的狀況,所以我在女子監獄的情況要比上一次被關到女子監獄時候要好得多。」 倪玉蘭說,這次她不用爬了,不過,每天至少有16個小時坐在輪椅上,因為她頸椎、脊椎、腰椎都有舊傷。又因為常年不准和別人說話,她的語言功能嚴重退化。 倪玉蘭:「脖子上這個甲狀腺腫瘤已經3點多厘米了,而且牽扯到我這嗓子也是啞的,然後吞嚥東西也非常困難,然後還得淋巴結,其他部位骨骼和神經受傷,所以也是需要同樣的治療,現在連最基本的自理能力已經沒有了。」 倪玉蘭說,她和丈夫去年被抓,完全是中共的構陷,當局惱怒於她長期參與公眾維權,並引起國際關注,所以對他們夫婦進行打壓。她表示,接下來她將狀告北京警方,並通過法律途徑要求當局歸還她家的財產。 採訪編輯/李韻 後製/陳建銘 ****************** Released lawyer Ni Yulan will continue to maintain legal right Advocacy lawyer, Ni Yulan, has recently been released after two and half years imprisonment. During her sentence she had been beaten & paralyzed by CCP. Currently she needs immediate treatment for various diseases & is unable to take care of herself. She stressed that she would continue to safeguard her rights. She will also pursue suing the CCP police & request her family property rightfully be given back. October 7, Ni Yulan told the New Tang Dynasty, after her release, Beijing authorities also attempted to kidnap her yet again the same day she was released. Former Chinese human rights lawyer Ni Yulan: 「Xicheng judiciary staff & police, attempted to transfer me to another place secretly at the side entrance of Beijing Women!s Prison when I was out. Thankfully my family was there in time to pick me up.」 12 years ago, 53 years old Ni Yulan was arrested by Beijing police during the shooting scene of forced demolitions when she was supporting advocacy rights demonstrations. She was eventually beaten & paralyzed. Ni Yulan: 」In 2002, because I helped to film & photog the forced demolition of someone!s home, I was caught by the authorities & sent to the police station. There, they tortured me, tied me up and severely beat me. Later they transferred me to the West Branch detention Center which later led to my physical disability.」 July 2002, Beijing police punished Ni Yulan with a ten-day administrative detention sentence, charged with committing a public order offense. After that, Beijing police applied to arrest Ni Yulan, from the West Procuratorate, with the charge Crime of Disrupting Public Service. Yet Ni Yulan was illegally detained for a total of 75 days even though the arrest application was returned. After that, Ni Yulan began to petition. November 27, Xicheng District Court sentenced Ni Yulan to one year imprisonment for the Crime of Disrupting Public Service & her lawyer license was revoked. In 2008, Ni Yulan』s home faced illegal demolition by the authorities. Trying to stop the demolition, she was framed for so-called kicking the police & was thus later detained. Before detention, she was beaten black & blue by police. Ni Yulan: 「I was lying there with a body full of cuts and bruises to my body. I was alone for a long periodwith nobody around me, no food nor drink. Then my situation was becoming more and more serious because they did not give me any treatment.」 Subsequently, Ni Yulan was sentenced to two years imprisonment with the charge of obstructing the authorities. She was not allowed to use crutches nor a wheelchair by the Prison guards, Having to crawl to the factory to pack 11,000 pairs of chopsticks every day. She was abused and beaten if she couldn』t finish the packing. In 2010, after release, Ni Yulan & her husband Dong Jiqin were forced in to a black hotel in Beijing Xicheng District by the police. February 11, 2011, U.S. Ambassador Hone Peibo went to the hotel to visit Ni Yulan. December 22, the Dutch government granted Ni Yulan the Human Rights Defenders Tulip Award. Last April, the Chinese Communist Party arrested Ni Yulan and her husb and on another occasion, yet this time in secret. Ni Yulan was sentenced to two & a half years with charges of affray and fraud offenses. Dong Jiqin was also sentenced to two years by the authorities with the chargeof aiding & abetting. Ni Yulan: 「My poor physical condition raised some concern amongst my friends. Some international 『friends appeal』 for me & some embassy officials also came to the women!s prison to visit me. So my condition had improved compared to my last visit to the women!s prison.」 Ni Yulan said she did not have to crawl, but sitting in a wheelchair at least 16 hours a day because of the old wound in her cervical, spine & lumbar area. Her language capability had seriously deteriorated due to her being forced to not speak for a whole year. Ni Yulan: 「The thyroid tumor I experienced grew to more than 3cm, making it extremely difficult to swallow, the voice had completely disappeared. The wound on the Lymph nodes, bones and nerves needed treatment too. She lost & was refused the most basic of self-care needs. Ni Yulan said she & her husband』s imprisonment last year was completely framed by CCP authorities. The authorities repressed her & her husband because of her long term involvement in public rights advocacy, raising the attentions of the international community. She said she would sue Beijing police & request the authorities to return her family!s property legally. 採訪編輯/李韻 後製/陳建銘 新天 新地 新唐人 您的鼎力支持 + 我們的不懈堅持 = 新唐人的永續維持 購買天韻舞春風、神韻交響樂等DVD、CD請至PChome商城
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