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2014/08/27 10:44:29瀏覽5586|回應0|推薦0 | ||||
影片來源:新唐人電視台 NTDTV.com YouTube:中國新聞_勁news頻道 YouTube:新唐人環球新聞 翻牆部落谷:翻牆、電驢、連環畫、電子報、部落格聯播 台灣國際器官移植關懷協會: YouTubea facebook 【新唐人2014年08月27日訊】在中共元老紛紛露面為習近平壓陣的敏感時期,日前曾被傳遭中紀委調查的前政協主席賈慶林,和前中紀委書記賀國強,再次露面,和中共原副總理吳儀,以及福建其他高官一同在北京看戲。分析認為這極不尋常,大有文章。 大陸媒體25號報導說,賈慶林、賀國強24號晚在北京的國家大劇院,觀看福建省歌舞劇院大型舞劇《絲海夢尋》。現場還有中共副總理劉延東、中宣部部長劉奇葆、國務院原副總理吳儀等人。但蹊蹺的是,媒體並沒有發佈現場照片。 賈慶林和賀國強此前都曾傳出被調查。不過,7月16號上午網上又傳出賈慶林遊覽秦皇島長壽山景區的照片;6月4號,賀國強也曾在貴州省貴陽孔學堂露面。 中國資深法學專家趙遠明表示,只要仔細觀察,就會發現,習近平執政以來,在拿下大小「老虎」的過程中,都有一個很明顯的特點。 中國資深法學專家趙遠明:「就是瘋傳某一個人要下來,某一個人要被拿下的時候,往往在拿下之前讓他露一露臉。現在我覺得習近平當政以來變成一種規律性了。我們可以回顧一下,像這個徐才厚,宣判他立案審查的之前,他還跟習近平接見軍隊幹部。」 前軍委副主席徐才厚,早在去年就被瘋傳,因涉嫌軍內腐敗被「雙規」。但今年1月20號,他突然隨習近平露面,出席中共軍委慰問駐京部隊老官員。當時,外界還以為徐才厚「平安著陸」了,但在6月30號,中共宣佈對徐才厚立案審查。 去年12月,前政法委書記周永康,也曾被瘋傳遭到「雙規」,隨後他同樣露了幾次面,之後在7月29號,當局宣佈對他立案審查。 趙遠明分析,這些落馬官員的露面,好比演員的「告別演出」。 趙遠明:「像這些人賈慶林甚麼的,我估計你不管怎麼露面,過去貪腐不因你這次露面,下次露面消失的無影無蹤。習近平也不會說你今天露面了,明天該抓你不抓你了。所以我覺得賈慶林他們,有可能是習近平有意讓他們露面,讓他們作為像告別演出似的,最後給觀眾說『拜拜』。」 賈慶林一向被指稱是「江派大員」。外界甚至把賈慶林和曾慶紅、李長春、周永康並稱「新四人幫」。習近平在拿下週永康、徐才厚之後,江係其他要員將面臨怎樣的處置,就成為外界關注的焦點之一。 賈慶林7月在秦皇島的露面之時,就有知情人士在網路爆料,賈慶林被控制是真,「露面」是他「願意配合」的表現,目的是穩住一些蠢蠢慾動的勢力。 至於賀國強,香港媒體8月21號報導說,中共國企「華潤」老總宋林貪腐案發後,傳出賀國強兒子涉案,賀國強被中紀委約談。但隨後,傳聞賀家退回17億人民幣贓款,全家現在「軟著陸」。 《大紀元》報導說,賀國強屬於江派人物,但在「王立軍事件」爆發之後站到了胡錦濤,溫家寶一邊,和他們聯手倒薄。還有媒體說,對薄熙來痛下殺手的還有賈慶林。 時政觀察人士唐靖遠分析,賈慶林、賀國強等人集體露面,不排除他們已經倒戈,在配合中紀委調查中有立功表現,並與江派作了切割。 唐靖遠認為,江家幫的命運已經和薄熙來、周永康捆綁在一起,江澤民和曾慶紅等人想切割出去,根本就是笑談。 時政觀察人士唐靖遠:「把他們捆綁在一起的,實際就是兩件事:一是圖謀政變,二是活摘器官。而政變的深層次動因,其實也是因為懼怕活摘器官的罪惡被清算,所以不敢失去權力。之所以說『倒薄』就是『倒周』,『倒周』即是『倒江』,其根源就在這裡。這次出來露面的諸多高官,最大的共同點就是都在『倒薄』的不同階段出過大力。」 唐靖遠表示,近期胡錦濤、朱鎔基、萬里等中共元老紛紛露面為習近平壓陣,這釋放出一個信號,就是要打更大的老虎,「倒江」聯盟已經從暗處走到了前臺。 記者編輯/李韻 後制/葛雷 What!s Behind Jia Qinglin and He Guoqiang!s Public Appearance? Former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leaders are continuously showing support to Xi Jinping. At this critical moment, Jia Qinglin, former chairman of the People!s Political Consultative Conference, and He Guoqiang, former head of Central Discipline Inspection Commission, made a public appearance. They watched a ballet with former vice premier Wu Yi and other party leaders of Fujian province. Commentators say, there is much going on behind the move. Mainland Chinese media reported on August 25 that Jia Qinglin and He Guoqing visited the National Centre for the Performing Arts (NCPA) to watch the ballet Silk Dream, performed by Fujian Provincial Singing and Dancing Troupe. The CCP vice premier Liu Yandong, Minister for propaganda Liu Qibao, and former vice premier Wu Qi were reported to be with Jia and He. However, no photo has been released by any media. There were rumors saying Jia Qinglin and He Guoqing are being investigated. However, there are photos of Jia visiting Shou Shan scenic area of Qinhuangdao in the morning of July 16. On June 4, He Guoqing also showed up in a Confucius institute at Guiyang, Guizhou province. Zhao Yuanming, senior Chinese legal scholar said, Xi had an evident feature in his tiger-hunting campaigns. This can be easily found through careful observation. Zhao Yuanming, when widespread rumors say someone will be taken down, in most cases that person will be made to appear in public before being dismissed. I think this has become something like a rule since Xi took power. For example, Xu Caihou interviewed military officials with Xi Jinping right before his case was announced publicly. Former vice chairman of the Central Military Commission Xu Caihou was being investigated on corruption charges. Despite that, Xu suddenly appeared in public with Xi Jinping in a visit to senior military officials in Beijing. Many thus believed that Xu had been made safe from Xi!s anti-corruption campaign. However the CCP still announced the investigation of Xu on June 30. In December 2013, former head of Central Politics and Law Commission Zhou Yongkang was also apparently investigated. After that, Zhou showed up several times until his case was officially announced on July 29. Zhao Yuanming said, final public appearances of the dismissed officials are like farewell performances of actors. Zhao Yuanming,for high CCP officials such as Jia Qinglin, it doesn!t matter how many times they appear in public; Their crimes will always be there. Xi Jinping won!t change his decision according to public appearances. So personally I think maybe it is Xi Jinping who plans those public appearances for Jia Qinglin and others. It is like a farewell performance, until they say goodbye to all audiences. Jia Qinglin has always been believed to be a key member of Jiang Zemin!s faction. Some even call Jia Qinglin, Zeng Qinghong, Li Changchun and Zhou Yongkang the New Gang of Four. After the fall of Zhou Yongkang and Xu Caihou, public view is focused on how Xi will dispose of Jiang!s other followers. During Jia Qinglin!s visit to Qinhuangdao in July, there were sources revealing that Jia Qinglin was under Xi!s control. His appearance showed he had agreed to cooperate with Xi then, to ease the restlessness of some political groups. For He Guoqiang, Hong Kong media reported on Aug 21 that He!s son was reported to be involved in the corruption case of Song Lin, former boss of the Huarun Group. The Central Discipline Inspection Commission talked with He after that. It was said later that He and his family were safe by returning 1.7 billion Yuan ($276 million) of embezzled money. According to the Epoch Times, He Guoqing used to be a follower of Jiang Zemin. However, He turned to support Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao after Wang Lijun defected to the US Consulate. He also helped them in taking down Bo Xilai. There were media reports saying Jia Qinglin also offered help in striking Bo. Tang Jingyuan, a political observer, said Jia Qinglin and He Guoqing!s public appearance may signal them changing sides. Jia and He may have made contributions in cooperating with the Central Discipline Inspection Commission,. This has successfully separated them from Jiang!s group. Tang Jiangyuan believes, Jiang tied his fate with Bo and Zhou. Jiang Zemin and Zeng Qinghong are only making useless struggles in dissociating with them. Tang Jingyuan, political observer, two things tie Jiang and Zeng with Bo and Zhou. The first is the coup plot; the second is live organ harvesting. Furthermore, the real motive behind the coup is probably also to escape from their crimes of live organ harvesting. For that reason, Jiang and his followers are afraid of losing power. This is why striking Bo Xilai is equivalent to striking Zhou Yongkang and Jiang Zemin. Those high CCP officials who made recent public appearances have one thing in common. That is, they have all contributed a lot in taking down Bo Xilai. Tang Jingyuan said, Hu Jintao, Zhu Rongji, Wan Li and other former CCP leaders publicly showed up to support Xi Jinping. This is a clear signal that Xi will hunt for a bigger tiger with his next steps. The association of taking down Jiang Zemin is making more open moves now, in contrast to what they did previously. Interview & Edit/LiYun Post-Production/GeLei 您的鼎力支持 + 我們的不懈堅持 = 新唐人的永續維持 購買天韻舞春風、神韻交響樂等DVD、CD請至PChome商城
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