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2013/09/01 17:23:44瀏覽445|回應0|推薦0 | |||||
影片來源:新唐人電視台 NTDTV.com YouTube:中國新聞_勁news頻道 YouTube:新唐人環球新聞 翻牆部落谷:翻牆、電驢、連環畫、電子報、部落格聯播 台灣國際器官移植關懷協會: YouTubea facebook 【新唐人2013年09月01日訊】海外《明慧網》報導,中共前黨魁江澤民集團迫害法輪功學員的重點場所、在海內外臭名昭著的馬三家勞教所,將徹底解散。8月以來,已經有四名女法輪功學員被釋放,但警察警告,他們回家再煉法輪功,就直接判刑送大北監獄。 《明慧網》的報導說,自去年10月起馬三家勞教所就已經「只出不進」。今年7月,宿舍二樓、三樓的床、床墊都拉走了,目前男勞教人員已全部釋放,仍然有八名女性法輪功學員被非法關押。據說將於8月底釋放全部勞教人員。 美國《南加州大學》公共政策博士葉科:「勞教所現在被廢除,還是勞教制度被廢除,法輪功學員被釋放,這可以說是大勢所趨,這場迫害無以為繼, 對法輪功的迫害,中共和江澤民相互利用,完全建立在謊言和暴力的基礎上。」 今年4月初,大陸媒體曝光了馬三家勞教所對在押人員實施的酷刑黑幕,國際輿論一直在譴責中共勞教制度和酷刑迫害。今年1月,迫於壓力,當局提出了要改革勞教制度。6月份,中國多地勞教所開始轉型為戒毒所,並大批放人。 中國獨立攝影記者杜斌認為,當局以為把勞教所換個牌子、名字,罪惡就消失了。 中國獨立攝影記者杜斌:「我認為他們把馬三家勞教所剷平了,從這個地球上摘掉,拿到月球上去,這個罪行還存在,因為這些受害在都還活著,我的記記錄片現在正在剪輯,到時會尋找一個合適的機會把一個完整的版本拿出來給大家看。」 5月初。杜斌在全球網路上公映了記錄片《小鬼頭上的女人》,十二名曾在馬三家女子勞教所遭受酷刑的女士講述親身經歷的恐怖酷刑,包括電擊乳房和生殖器官、關小號、懸空掛、坐老虎凳、十字吊、綁死人床、牙刷插陰道等。 另外,《明慧網》報導還透露,馬三家釋放哪一個人,不會被提前告知。出來時檢查嚴格,紀檢也會問話。比如,會詢問法輪功學員,是否在馬三家遭到過不合理的待遇和毆打,如果照實說的話,就不會馬上放人。每個法輪功學員被釋放,都會通知當地派出所。並且,獄警警告被釋放的法輪功學員說:「你們再煉法輪功,就直接判刑送大北監獄。」 中國資深法學專家趙遠明認為,習近平上臺後,降級政法委,宣佈改革勞教制度,但是江派人物一直在阻礙這個事情。 趙遠明:「因為江派人物在鎮壓法輪功和鎮壓各種不同信仰的人、不同政見的人,還有上訪的人大量的使用勞教,鎮壓異已,所以在中國造成被勞教人員很多、很普遍,而且勞教所裏面實施很多酷刑,很多人被折磨致死,致殘、致傷都有。」 從2000年至今《明慧網》一共發表了8000多篇文章,揭露它們對法輪功學員實施的108種駭人酷刑迫害。 葉科:「新班子上臺之後,習李並不想背這個黑鍋。雖然勞教現在被解散了,但是迫害法輪功學員的事情還在發生,而且很多學員現在還在非法判刑,所以只要對法輪功的迫害一天不停止,元兇一天不被法辦,他們(習李)做的這些事情都沒觸及到問題的本質。」 法輪功發言人張而平曾經指出,中共即使解散勞教所,也沒有把人真正放出來,對法輪功學員的迫害不但沒有減輕,還在加劇。今年頭6個月,法輪功學員就被迫害死43個人,被非法綁架2101人,平均每兩天大約有5個法輪功學員被判刑。 採訪/常春 編輯/李韻 後製/李勇 Masanjia Forced Labor Camp Faces Closure; Crimes Remain Overseas Minghui website reported that the notorious Masanjia Forced Labor Camp in China, which was used by the Jiang Zemin faction to persecute Falun Gong practitioners, is now facing closure. Four female Falun Gong practitioners were released since August. However, Masanjia told them that if they still practice Falun Gong at home, they will be sentenced directly to Dabei Jail. Minghui reported that from October 2012, Masanjia hasn』t accepted new inmates, but is instead releasing them. In July, all the beds were removed from the second and third floors. All male inmates have been released. However, eight female Falun Gong practitioners were still held inside. Sources said that all inmates would be released before the end of August. Dr. Ye Ke at the University of Southern California: 「Removing the labor camp system, or releasing Falun Gong practitioners, this is the trend. The persecution cannot be carried on anymore. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Jiang Zemin have used each other to persecute Falun Gong. The persecution is entirely base on lies and violence.」 In April, China』s media exposed that Masanjia used brutal torture on inmates. The international community has condemned China』s labor camp system and cruel persecution. In January, under pressure, the CCP proposed reform of the labor camp system. In June, many labor camps were transformed into drug addiction treatment centers. Many inmates were released. Du Bin, independent Chinese photographer, believes that the authorities thought that changing the labor camps』 name would wipe away their crimes. Du Bin: 「Even if they demolish Masanjia to nothing, making it disappear, or move it up to the moon, their crimes still exist, and the victims are still alive. My documentary film is being edited, we will look for a suitable opportunity to release the full version.」 In May, Du Bin released the documentary film, 「Women Above Ghosts』 Heads,」 online. 12 female inmates tell their horrifying stories of being brutally tortured inside Masanjia. The tortures includes electric shocks to breasts and genitals, confinement to a small cell, hanging, tiger bench, death bed, and toothbrush inserted into vagina. Minghui also exposed that Masanjia didn』t provide information regarding who would be released beforehand. The released inmates were checked very carefully, and disciplinary officials asked Falun Gong practitioners if they had encountered unfair treatment or had been beaten. If they answered with the truth, Masanjia halted their release. Every released Falun Gong practitioner will report to local police station. Masanjia police told released Falun Gong practitioners, 「If you still practice Falun Gong at home, you will be sentenced directly to Dabei jail.」 Zhao Yuanming, Chinese legal expert, believes that after Xi Jinping took office, he demoted the Politics and Law Committee, and announced reform of the labor camp system. However, the Jiang faction has obstructed the issue. Zhao Yuanming: 「Jiang』s faction are suppressing dissidents and people』s beliefs. They also held petitioners in labor camps. Many inmates still exist in China, it is a common issue. Many brutal tortures are happening inside labor camps. Many were tortured to death, or torture resulted in disability or injury.」 Since 2000, Minghui has published 8,000 articles that exposed 108 terrifying torture methods being used on Falun Gong practitioners. Ye Ke: 「The new CCP leadership doesn』t want to be blamed. Although the labor camp system has likely been removed, the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners is still happening. Many Falun Gong practitioners are still illegally held. Thus as long as the persecution exists and the head of the evil hasn』t been punished, no matter what the CCP has done, the main problem hasn』t been touched.」 Zhang Erping, Falun Gong spokesman, points out that although the CCP closed labor camps, the inmates haven』t truly been freed. The persecution of Falun Gong practitioners wasn』t reduced, but worsened. In the first six months this year, 43 Falun Gong practitioners were tortured to death. 2,101 were illegally detained. Five Falun Gong practitioners were sentenced to jail every other day. 新天 新地 新唐人 您的鼎力支持 + 我們的不懈堅持 = 新唐人的永續維持 購買天韻舞春風、神韻交響樂等DVD、CD請至PChome商城
瀏覽本文章自定義分類:馬三家黑幕 【延伸閱讀】: ●【禁聞】馬三家勞教所面臨解散 罪惡依舊 ●薄熙來陞官血梯 馬三家勞教所解散 ●【禁聞】馬三家勞教所面臨解散 ●中共罪惡招牌馬三家勞教所面臨解散 ●歐陽梅:獨一無二的黑幫邪術 ●杜斌答謝讀者 開放馬三家酷刑著作版權組圖 ●揭馬三家黑幕被停刊雜誌 以《文景‧Lens》復出 ●《財經》再發力 揭薄案最大行賄人 耐人尋味 ●杜斌案 高行健:獨立不移說真話 ●【禁聞】代理杜斌律師提取保候審 遭拒 ●律師會見杜斌 質疑被控「罪名」 ●詩歌:紐時曝光馬三家 法輪功聚焦全球 ●中國「硬幣」的兩面:獨裁之罪與平庸之惡圖 ●神秘舉報人現身 馬三家再爆猛料 ●國際關注杜斌被捕 馬三家黑幕再揭 ●海川:中共酷刑 人類的恥辱圖 ●北京證實杜斌被刑拘 妹妹請律師介入 ●尋獲求救信主 紐時再揭馬三家罪惡 ●【禁聞】《紐時》:馬三家神秘求救者現身 ●詩歌:紅朝是掛牌黑社會 瀏覽本文章自定義分類:馬三家黑幕 回本部落格首頁:http://blog.udn.com/chinanewsreviewvideo |
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