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2013/08/26 21:56:30瀏覽447|回應0|推薦0 | ||||||||||||||
影片來源:新唐人電視台 NTDTV.com YouTube:中國新聞_勁news頻道 YouTube:新唐人環球新聞 翻牆部落谷:翻牆、電驢、連環畫、電子報、部落格聯播 台灣國際器官移植關懷協會: YouTubea facebook 【新唐人2013年08月26日訊】馬三家勞教所面臨解散 薄西來案的審理近日成為海內外關注的焦點,而薄西來涉嫌參與迫害法輪功學員、活體摘取他們的器官牟利、販賣他們的遺體而觸犯的酷刑、群體滅絕、和反人類罪,卻並未出現在中共官方的起訴中。雖然如此,但是以迫害法輪功而在海內外臭名昭著的遼寧馬三家勞教所,最近卻悄然發生了變化,面臨解散。 據海外《明慧網》8月25號報導,發明上百種酷刑迫害法輪功學員的馬三家教養院,從2012年10月份起,被關押人員只出不進。男所被非法關押的人現在已經全部被釋放。而目前仍被非法關押的八名女性法輪功學員,也將於八月底被全部釋放。 報導說,儘管面臨解散,但馬三家勞教所獄警的迫害行為並沒有收斂,每天還是逼迫法輪功學員在高溫烈日下拔草、做手工,並威脅法輪功學員說:如果回家再煉法輪功,就直接判刑送瀋陽的大北監獄。 馬三家勞教所是中共迫害法輪功的重點場所,從1999年10月至2004年4月,非法關押的法輪功學員就達4千多人。 在江澤民集團的直接指揮和干預下,專門針對法輪功學員設計實施了的各種洗腦轉化和酷刑方法,並向全國推廣,是江澤民集團直接掌控的迫害法輪功的典型。 據報導,除馬三家勞教所外,大陸各地的勞教所也都在陸續解散,令一些迫害法輪功學員的獄警感到驚惶。 薄案法庭實錄 敏感內容遭刪節 中共前重慶市委書記薄熙來一案的庭審,8月25號進入第4天,有消息傳出,濟南中院在微博發出的庭審實錄遭到刪節,並沒有完整呈現庭審內容。 據台灣《中時電子報》報導,濟南中院所發佈的庭審實錄是經過編輯的,一些當局認為敏感的內容被刪除了。 報導說,據大陸媒體的文字轉播,當天庭審中,薄熙來指責王立軍說,「法庭已經認定他形成濫用職權罪和叛逃罪,特別是叛逃引起了及其惡劣的影響。昨天他狡辯他不是叛逃,而是正常的外交,有手續。」 但是,在25號濟南中院所發佈的法庭實錄中,並沒有看到王立軍這段話的內容。 網路名人被抓 網友質疑 最近,中共加緊打擊網路言論,抓補了多名網路意見領袖和名人。 繼在網路實名舉報貪腐的「新快報」記者劉虎等人被捕後,8月25號,又傳出大陸網路名人、天使投資人薛蠻子涉嫌嫖娼遭逮捕的消息,而同一天,網路知名爆料人周祿寶也被蘇州警方逮捕。 大陸網友質疑中共當局以莫須有的罪名抓人,並紛紛猜測,下一個會是誰,又會是甚麼莫須有的原因? 編輯/周玉林 Masanjia Forced Labor Camp Faces Closure The notorious Masanjia Forced Labor Camp in China was exposed for using hundreds of torture methods to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. Now it is facing closure. On August 25, overseas Minghui website reported that since October 2012, Masanjia hasn』t accepted new inmates but is releasing them instead. All male inmates who were illegally held are released. Eight female Falun Gong practitioners will be released before the end of August. Minghui said that although Masanjia will be closed, the persecution inside is still going on. Falun Gong practitioners are still forced to pull the weeds out under baking sun, and doing handcraft work. Masanjia also told Falun Gong practitioners that if they still practice Falun Gong when they are back home, they will be sentenced directly to Dabei jail. Masanjia is one of the places used by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to severely persecute Falun Gong practitioners. From October 1999 to April 2004, more than 4,000 Falun Gong practitioners were illegally held inside Masanja. Under Jiang Zemin factions』 direct orders and participation, they specially designed and carried out brainwashing and re-education torture methods, promoted them over the country. This is a typical example of how Jiang』s faction directly persecutes Falun Gong. Sources said that apart from Masanjia, labor camps in different cities are in the process of being removed. The labor camp police who have participated in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners feel panic now. Sensitive Content From Jinan Court Transcription Of Bo Xilai』s Trial Deleted August 25 is the fourth day of Bo Xilai』s trial. Sources said part of Jinan court』s official transcription on Weibo were deleted. The published transcription didn』t reflect the true trial. Taiwan』s China Times reported that Jinan court published the transcription on its website which has now been edited. The sensitive contents are deleted. Sources said that according to China』s media report Bo condemned Wang Lijun in court: 「The court has accused Wang of abuse of power and defection. Particularly the defection has caused very bad affect. Yesterday he said he didn』t defect, but it is a standard diplomatic affair, there is paper work.」 However, on 25th, Jinan court didn』t publish this conversation. Several Social Network Celebrities Arrested In China Recently, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has intensified it』s fight against free expression on the social network. Many activists and celebrities have been arrested. Following journalist Liu Hu and other people』s arrest for reporting corrupt officials, on August 25, social network celebrity Xue Manzi was arrested on the accusation of hiring prostitutes. That day, celebrity Zhou Lubao was also arrested in Suzhou. Netizens questioned how the CCP can use any excuse to arrest people. They are speculating who will be the next one and what are the excuses the CCP will use? 新天 新地 新唐人 您的鼎力支持 + 我們的不懈堅持 = 新唐人的永續維持 購買天韻舞春風、神韻交響樂等DVD、CD請至PChome商城
瀏覽本文章自定義分類:馬三家黑幕 【延伸閱讀】: 自由中國主題曲: The Courage to Believe Trailer 1 of Free China Trailer 2 of Free China ●【禁聞】馬三家勞教所面臨解散 ●中共罪惡招牌馬三家勞教所面臨解散 ●歐陽梅:獨一無二的黑幫邪術 ●杜斌答謝讀者 開放馬三家酷刑著作版權組圖 ●揭馬三家黑幕被停刊雜誌 以《文景‧Lens》復出 ●《財經》再發力 揭薄案最大行賄人 耐人尋味 ●杜斌案 高行健:獨立不移說真話 ●【禁聞】代理杜斌律師提取保候審 遭拒 ●律師會見杜斌 質疑被控「罪名」 ●詩歌:紐時曝光馬三家 法輪功聚焦全球 ●中國「硬幣」的兩面:獨裁之罪與平庸之惡圖 ●神秘舉報人現身 馬三家再爆猛料 ●國際關注杜斌被捕 馬三家黑幕再揭 ●海川:中共酷刑 人類的恥辱圖 ●北京證實杜斌被刑拘 妹妹請律師介入 ●尋獲求救信主 紐時再揭馬三家罪惡 ●【禁聞】《紐時》:馬三家神秘求救者現身 ●詩歌:紅朝是掛牌黑社會 ●【新聞週刊】習近平訪美 杜斌失蹤 法輪功成焦點 ●馬三家受害人發起聯署 促釋放杜斌 瀏覽本文章自定義分類:馬三家黑幕 回本部落格首頁:http://blog.udn.com/chinanewsreviewvideo |
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