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2013/06/12 13:51:52瀏覽68|回應0|推薦0 | |
影片來源:新唐人電視台 NTDTV.com YouTube:中國新聞_勁news頻道 YouTube:新唐人環球新聞 翻牆部落谷:翻牆、電驢、連環畫、電子報、部落格聯播 台灣國際器官移植關懷協會: YouTubea facebook 【新唐人2013年06月12日訊】中共高層換屆之後,美、中最高領導人的首次正面會談,中、美媒體都給予大肆宣傳,甚至對兩國的未來合作前景寄予希望。但隨後,雙方媒體立即宣稱﹕達到的共識不同。此後,美國和日本在加州舉行聯合軍演,中共則發射太空船,雙方依然各出各牌。請看報導。 美、中兩國領導人歐巴馬、習近平非正式會晤剛過,美、中雙方的分歧立刻顯露出來。 這次會晤,雙方在網路安全、北韓核項目得到一些共識,而中方聲稱,美、中達成七項共識。 不過,6月11號,日本各大傳媒圖文並茂的報導了﹕美、日兩國在美國加州的聯合奪島軍演,是日本陸、海、空自衛隊首次一起參加在美國本土舉行的奪島演習。儘管美、日兩國宣稱,這一聯合奪島軍演「不針對特定國家」,但日本各大傳媒則紛紛以「尖閣諸島(釣魚島)」為假想。 美、日軍演預定兩週,並沒有受習近平訪美影響。 在中國當地時間6月11號,中共發射「神舟十號」載人太空船,而搭載中國「蛟龍號」載人潛水器的試驗母船,也在10號出發,到太平洋執行海上作業任務。 香港《明報》指出,從過往歷次美、中峰會的結果來看,雖然長期對兩國關係有促進作用,但短期內又都會出現新一輪波折,可視作峰會的「鐘擺效應」。 《明報》表示,美方在奧、習會晤後立即放風說,歐巴馬在會晤中,明確拒絕了習近平提出的「停止對臺軍售」,而中國「神十」升空和「蛟龍」出海的時間安排,也被外界解讀為﹕有意向美示強的炫耀之舉。 旅美政論家伍凡認為,中、美兩國因為核心價值不同,容易出現衝突。 旅美政論家伍凡:「根本的原因是,這兩個國家是政治制度不同、思想意識不同、社會結構制度都不同、老百姓的想法也不同。所以,不可能朝著一個方向長期的、必定有一個反方向力量,推向另外一個方向,讓那些各種事情發生,完了,再走到中間來,這樣來回悠蕩。」 有媒體報導,美國第一夫人米歇爾在習近平和夫人彭麗媛到訪前夕,突然決定不參加會見,實則是美方以此表達中美關係並不是那樣親密無間。而米歇爾致彭麗媛的親筆信,只是外交辭令式的表達。 時事評論員邢天行: 「美國它在跟中國的交往中,它非常有分寸。兩國在發展過程中,它有利益上合作的需要,但是它也有一個致命的根本分歧。在這個問題沒有解決之前,美國不想跟中共有過親密的外界形象。即給你面子,你要來訪,我可以接待你,同時又沒有讓他的夫人出現。」 時事評論員邢天行認為,中、美雙方的領袖會面,不可能對中國和美國未來的外交政策產生更大的影響。 邢天行還指出,中共大肆炒作奧、習會成果出於政治需要,只是想加強對民眾的欺騙,營造中共在國際上地位上升的氣氛。但這像廣告,做得很漂亮,實際名不副實。 採訪/朱智善 編輯/宋風 後製/鍾元 Meeting of Obama With Xi Jinping After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leadership change, the top leaders of the United States and China met for the first time. Media reported it widely both in the US and China. There were even hopes showing for cooperation between the two countries. But afterwards media immediately declared the consensus reached was different. The United States and Japan had joint military exercises held in California, with the CCP launching spacecraft. The two sides still have different actions. Let!s see the reports. Just after the informal meeting between President Obama and Chinese leader, Xi Jinping, the differences between the two countries were immediately revealed. In the meeting, the two sides reach some consensus in network security and North Korea!s nuclear program. The Chinese side claimed that both sides reached seven consensuses. On June 11, Japan!s major media reported that the US and Japan had joint military exercises in California. They were attacking an island. It is the first time for Japanese land, sea and air self-defense team to have joint military exercises in US to seize an island. Although the United States and Japan claimed joint military exercises to seize an island 「is not directed against a specific country, Japan!s major media all have Senkaku Islands (Diaoyu Islands) as a possible target. US military exercises were scheduled for two weeks, and were not affected by Xi Jinping!s visit. On June 11 in China, the CCP launched Shenzhou X spacecraft carrying humans. A pilot mother ship equipped with a manned submersible machine Dragon, also launched on June 10 to the Pacific Ocean to perform certain tasks. Hong Kong!s Ming Pao pointed out that from the past US-Sino summit!s outcome, although the long term had benefits to bilateral relations, in the short term, there will be a new round of conflicts, showing the pendulum effects. Ming Pao reported the United States immediately released news that during Obama!s meeting, he explicitly rejected a proposal by Xi Jinping to stop arms sales to Taiwan. The launch of Shenzhou X and Dragon!s works in the ocean were also being viewed as showing off to the United States. US-based political commentator Wu Fan believes the core values of US and China are different, so are prone to conflicts. US-based political commentator Wu Fan said: Fundamentally the two countries have different political systems, ideologies, social structures and public opinions. So it!s impossible to go toward the same direction in the long run. There must be an opposite force to the other direction, Then come back to the middle, swaying to and fro. Some media reported that the U.S. first lady Michelle Obama suddenly decided not to come to the meeting before the arrival of Xi Jinping and his wife, Peng Liyuan. Actually it was an expression that Sino-US relationship is not that intimate. Michelle!s personal letter to Peng Liyuan was also just an diplomatic expression. Commentator Xing Tianxing: When dealing with China, the US has its own rules. In the development process of the two countries, it needs cooperation on interests, but there is also a fatal fundamental difference. Before this issue is resolved, the U.S. does not want to have the image of being too intimate with the CCP. That is, if you come to visit, he can meet with you, but he did not let his wife appear. Xing Tianxing believes that the meeting of leaders of US and China, it is impossible to have a greater impact on Sino-US foreign policies. Xing Tianxing also pointed out that the CCP reported widely the outcomes of the meeting between Xi and Obama for political needs. It just wants to strengthen deception to the people, to create the CCP!s ascendance in the international atmosphere. But it is like an advertisement beautifully done, but actually is not in line with the truth. 您的鼎力支持 + 我們的不懈堅持 = 新唐人的永續維持 購買天韻舞春風、神韻交響樂等DVD、CD請至PChome商城 【延伸閱讀】: ●澳十萬簽名促立法 醫學權威譴活摘 ●伊天劍:方形皮包裏裝的是心臟 ●【今日點擊】黃潔夫涉死囚器官移植 促撤教授榮銜 ●以國名醫成功經驗 促臺立法反中共活摘 ●2度獲器捐 肝硬化男感謝大愛 ●衛生部副部長黃潔夫被免 撕破中共活摘偽裝面紗 ●悉尼集會活動聲援器官移植動議案 ●【禁聞】專家:停止赴中國尋求器官移植 ●【禁聞】器官移植不再靠死刑犯?外界質疑 ●國家器官作者揭活摘 臺媒議論修法 ●國際專家揭赴陸器官移植風險 ●澳器官移植修改案進入討論階段 ●韓國國會舉辦中國非法器官移植討論會 ●[粵語] 澳議員推動立法阻止非法器官移植 ●澳議員推動立法阻止非法器官移植 ●質疑來臺陸移植醫 立委籲說清器官來源 ●王舒眉:醫師該維護誰的利益 ●臺內科醫學大會 醫師連署反中共活摘 ●詩歌:平心看九評 真相現眼下 ●器官移植先驅 美莫瑞醫師辭世 |
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