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香港《經濟日報》報導,這次審計的對像大部分是省級及省市級城市,採取抽樣調查方式完成。36個接受審查的地方政府中,11個省級政府和13個省會級政府的2012年債務規模,比2010年有所增長,其中4個省級和8個省會城市級債務,增長超過20% 。9個省會城市政府負有償還責任的債務率,超過100%,最高的達188.95%﹔如加上政府負有擔保責任的債務,債務率最高的達219.57%。







《經濟日報》的評論指出,倘若按照審計署對部分地區的抽查和摸底結果來推算,儘管去年底,地方債的規模有可能較2010年增長12.94%,但地方債佔中國國內生產總值(GDP )的比重,卻從26.7%下降到23.3%,兩年下降3.4個百分點。


採訪/編輯劉惠 後製/李智遠

How much is known of China!s local debt?

China!s National Audit Office recently released
the results of its audit of 36 local governments.
The report shows the debt balance of 36 local
governments is nearly 3.85 trillion yuan ($6.27 billion);
nearly a 13% increase from 440 billion yuan ($71.7 billion)
in 2010.
Although these numbers may already seem shockingly high,
analysts say that the actual debt should be much higher.
Analysts say the huge debts owe to Party officials
in local governments who try to fill their own pockets,
and that it will be a huge and difficult problem to solve.

On June 11, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)!s
National Audit Office released it!s report on local debts.
16 areas have a debt ratio over 100%,
with the highest reaching 219%.

Hong Kong!s Economic Times says the audit mainly
focuses on provinces and provincial capital cities.
The data was conducted via survey.

Debt balances for 11 provincial governments and
13 provincial-capital cities have increased since 2010.
Debt increased more than 20% for eight capital cities
and four provincial governments.
Nine capital cities bear the responsibility to repay debts
that exceed the 100% debt ratio, with highest at nearly 189%.
If including guaranteed debts, the highest ratio is nearly 220%.

University of South Carolina Aiken Business School
Professor Xie Tian pointed out that
the survey of personal income and tax
are generally done by sample.
The numbers for local governments are not that high.
It!s likely the CCP wants to avoid places with serious issues.

Professor Xie Tian: Finding out exactly how large
the debt is can be done by conducting a census.
Perhaps the CCP doesn!t even have confidence to investigate,
realizing the deception between upper and lower governments.
Sample surveys of local governments are rather funny,
and they don!t conform to international practices.

The audit shows that among the 36 local
governments investigated at the end of 2012,
22 provincial governments and capital cities
promised to pay debts using land revenues.
However, the interest cost of the debts are 1.25 times
higher than the income from land sales on the year.
Five provincial level and three capitals city level
governments provided guarantees for the debt of 81.7 billion yuan ($13.3 billion), which against the rules.

China economist Mao Yushi: Local governments!
relying on land sales is not a long-term approach.
Land will be sold out sooner or later.
This approach is also an inefficient allocation of resources.
Efficient allocation of resources is through market.

There can only be a market for land trade through
competition between buyers and sellers.
Now there are only buyers, no sellers, so a market can!t form.

So it!s a very inefficient and wasteful way to do things.
The debt problem will lead to big disasters sooner or later.

Guo Yongfeng, founder of the Association of
Chinese Citizens for Monitoring the Government,
says CCP officials at all levels pay big bucks to buy positions.

After they take office, they want to get the money back
by building bridges, roads, dams or houses.
Guo says oftentimes new officials point out
shortcomings of previous projects and dismantle them.
In the demolition and construction process
they can get achievements while making a fortune.

Guo Yongfeng: CCP officials, no matter what level,
must have a project to do, and apply on behalf of the public.
Without projects, there would be no bribes. Projects are
also reported to their superiors as good performance.
Most of the money flows into their pockets,
and only a small part of the money
might be used to build low-quality buildings or roads.

Economic Times pointed out that,
based on the survey!s results,
despite possible local governments! near 13% debt
increase at the end of last year since 2010,
the proportion of the debts and China!s GDP was dropped
from 26.7% to 23.3%, which decreased 3.4% in two years.

Xie Tian says China!s true GDP figure is declining,
while the debts of local governments are increasing.
So the debt ratio should increase.

He says the CCP fakes the numbers to make people think that
local debt is still under control and there is no need to worry.

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