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採訪編輯/唐音 後製/蕭宇

Human Rights Organization: Luo Gan Is a Major Culprit in Live Organ Harvesting

Since the fall of Zhou Yongkang, his crimes have been
widely reported by media.
Now the focus has turned to Zhou !s predecessor, former
head of Central Politics and Law Commission (CPLC) Luo Gan.
Retired in 2007, Luo had been secretary of the Chinese
Communist Party !s CPLC since 1998.
He was also vice director and director of the 610 Office.

Overseas human rights organizations allege Luo Gan
is closely linked to live organ harvesting of Falun Gong
practitioners and had committed a number of crimes
according to International Law.

Overseas human rights advocate International Organization
for Bringing to Justice Persecutors of Falun Dafa (IOBJPFD),
released an Aug. 15 announcement regarding
Luo Gan !s crimes in persecuting Falun Gong.

The announcement systematically describes how Luo Gan
acted as a major responsible individual in carrying out
the persecution at various times and in various aspects.

In particular, public attention is focused on his key roles
in live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners.

The arrest and trial of Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai, along
with the fall of Zhou Yongkang this July, had brought
their roles in live organ harvesting to global media attention.

The announcement of IOBJPFD shows that Zhou Yongkang !s
predecessor Luo Gan is also a major responsible individual
of the atrocities, as he held the post of CPLC secretary
for eight years since the persecution of Falun Gong began.

Wang Zhiyuan, director of World Organization to Investigate
the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG): Live organ
harvesting is a massacre executed by the CPLC through
610 offices that control all CCP !s public security organs,
procuratorates, courts and even militaries
as well as armed police.
It began in 2000 and peaked in 2007.
During the period Luo Gan was directly in charge
of plotting and executing live organ harvesting.

In 2006, for the first time witnesses publicly accused
the CCP of systematically and stealing organs
from Falun Gong practitioners for sale
on a massive scale.

The news shocked the whole world.

A WOIPFG Investigation shows that the CCP
performed about 20,000 organ transplants
each year before 2006.

After live organ harvesting was exposed, the figure
sharply dropped to about 10,000 per year.

Luo Gan was director of the CPLC and 610 Office
at that time.

During a CCP internal meeting in November 1999,
Jiang Zemin demanded the implementation of Destroy
Falun Gong practitioners physically, ruin their reputation,
and bankrupt them financially, which Luo went along with.

Jiang ordered, Beating practitioners to death is counted as
suicide, allow no examination of the body, direct cremation.

Zhao Pei, political commentator: Indeed the CCP !s live
organ harvesting peaked when Luo Gan was the director
of CPLC.
After the crime was exposed, the CCP had moved many
of its persecution to underground or secret places.
Luo Gan left CPLC in 2007 so he had committed
those crimes at peak times.

The announcement by IOBJPFD says, Luo Gan had served
Jiang Zemin in defaming Falun Gong since 1996.

He sent undercover police to investigate Falun Gong twice
in 1997 and 1998, but found no evidence as Falun Gong
practitioners follow the principle of Truthfulness,
Compassion and Tolerance.

In 1998 and 1999, Luo Gan plotted the Beijing TV Station
Incident and Tianjin Incident in preparation
of the suppression of Falun Gong.

In January 2001, Luo took part in plotting and directing
the famous Tiananmen !s false self-immolation.

Wang Zhiyuan: Luo Gan is a chief culprit in committing
genocide against Falun Gong.
The 610 Office was led by Luo, and is the organ that directly
coordinates and executes the persecution of Falun Gong.
The persecution was also the worst when he was in office,
so Luo had committed the most heinous crimes.

According to Minghui.org, a large number of Falun Gong
practitioners had been obducted by 610 officers
to police stations, detention centers, labor camps,
prisons and mental hospitals.

They were forced into brainwashing education,
tortured, given poisonous injections or live organ harvesting.

Numerous practitioners have died, were disabled
or mentally disturbed because of the persecutions.

IOBJPFD says, Luo Gan is directly responsible
for those crimes.

Zhao Pei: The fact that the CCP never dares to touch
is that the persecutors of Falun Gong committed crimes
against humanity.
What they did has no predecessors, as they steal organs
from live human and even makes it an industry for benefits.
Even Hitler and the Japanese never did that.
The worst thing is they committed massacres
and carried out research with live humans.

IOBJPFD says in its announcement that, according
to International Law, Luo Gan committed crimes
of genocide, against humanity and torture.

However, Minghui reported that Falun Gong practitioners
were still forcibly given blood tests in 2013.

Some thus speculate that live organ harvesting had not
stopped even after the fall of Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang.

Interview & Edit/TangYin Post-Production/ XiaoYu

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