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2017/04/14 07:46:50瀏覽1366|回應0|推薦2

某位英文系畢業的網紅主播,在英語教學節目中講解 appointment 一字時,用了以下例句:


They made the appointment of Peter as chairman of the union.




這不曉得又是什麼怪招!appointment 無論字義是「任命」或「預約」,都沒有 make an appointment of someone 的用法,顯見在國內只要擁有網路高人氣,連英文用法都可以自行創造發明,狂妄程度令人咋舌。


明眼人一看就知道,網紅主播是把 make an appointment with someone(預約與某人會面)的用法,自行發揮創意修改成 make the appointment of someone,並堂而皇之拿來當成「任命某人」解釋,做為英語教學之用,簡直是唯恐天下不亂。


其實 appointment 做「任命」解釋時,用法如以下 Longman 例句:


1. appointment of


Other changes included the appointment of a new Foreign Minister.




2. appointment as


They congratulated him on his appointment as chairman.




總之,appointment 不會和「動詞」make 連用,成為 make the appointment of him as chairman。



就算真的要搭配「動詞」使用,也應該是 announce(宣佈),而不是 make,即 announce the appointment of someone as something:


The union announced the appointment of Peter as chairman.




較為恰當的寫法,是用「及物動詞」appoint 的「被動語態」來表示:


Peter was appointed as chairman of the union.

( 知識學習語言 )
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