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2010/01/27 15:20:38瀏覽791|回應0|推薦25 | |
國際跆拳道聯盟與世界跆拳道聯盟談判結構之探討 鄭家銓 / 國立體育大學體育推廣學系 牟鍾福 / 國立體育大學體育推廣學系 吳政崎 / 大同大學體育室 摘 要 「跆拳道」一詞創始於 一、 國際跆拳道聯盟與世界跆拳道聯盟談判結構,包括五個構面,現況如下: (一)價值結構:目前雙方正處於擱置爭議階段,以共創雙贏。 (二)環境結構:談判地點皆為第三地,且成立合併發展委員會為雙方溝通平台。(三)成員結構:雙方各派代表共同成立「合併發展委員會」。 (四)議題結構:談判議題皆以技術與競賽方式為主,並希望2016年繼續成為奧運比賽種類。 (五)權力結構:成立「合併發展委員會」之後,雙方權力對等,共同為「跆拳道整合」而努力,故較偏向整合型談判。 二、 跆拳道過去因政治因素分裂成為ITF與WTF兩大組織,時勢變遷後,雙方基於跆拳道未來發展之願景,願意走上談判桌對於相關議題進行討論。 三、 目前ITF共有124個會員國,WTF共有189個會員國,其中包含若干國家兩大聯盟體系同時並存;若兩大聯盟整合,對全球跆拳道的發展,將可能產生後續深遠的影響。 關鍵詞:跆拳道、談判 Research of International Taekwon-do Federation and World Taekwondo Federation negotiation Structure Chia-Chuan Cheng / Department of Sport Promotion, National Taiwan Sport University Chung-Fu Mou / Department of Sport Promotion, National Taiwan Sport University Cheng-Chyi Wu / Office of Physical Education, Tatung University Abstract The name of Taekwon-do was given by on April 11, 2009. The ITF was established on March 22, 1966, and it is the first Taekwon-do organization ever existed. Due to political reasons, ITF Headquarters was relocated to Canada in 1972. Taekwon-do then went through a turmoil period during 1970s. It was on May 28, 1973, another Taekwondo organization, WTF was formed in Soul, South Korea. In 1988 and 1992, Taekwondo was accepted as an Olympic demonstration sport, subsequently, it became an official Olympic Sport in 2000 and onward. It was then during 2002 both ITF & WTF began to reconcile their difference and work to become “one” Taekwondo. My research paper is to analyze ITF & WTF structure and content of many rounds of Talks. It is based on my observations and interviews with important people to draw conclusions. 1. There are 5 phases of Talks between ITF & WTF: (1) Value Structure:ITF & WTF seek to create synergy. (2) Environmental Structure: The Talks always hold in a mutual location. In addition, establish a coordinated committee as the bridge. (3) Member Structure: Each assigns its representatives to form a coordinated committee. (4) Topic Structure: It is hopeful that the merge can allow both ITF & WTF to participate Olympic Games 2016. (5) Power Structure: All the power from both side is equal; the idea is to create a One Taekwondo. 2. ITF & WTF, both are now eager to merge. 3. Currently, ITF is represented in 124 countries, on the other hand, WTF represents in 189 countries. In certain countries, both federations exist. If both can merge, it will benefit all practitioners. Keywords:Taekwondo, negotiation 本文刊登於臺灣體育運動管理學報2009第九期135~161頁,感謝牟鍾福教授、吳政崎教授的悉心指導,感謝楊宗文主任在研究方法上的嚴謹教學,黃美瑤老師提供建議,以及皓維同學提供的回饋。 在資料蒐集部分,感謝歐茂杰師賢提供相關資料與意見,英文翻譯部分感謝劉一鋒師範撥冗協助,最後感謝審查委員批閱斧正,以及林楨喬小姐相關行政事務的協助。 因為有你們,本文才得以完成,再次表達誠摯感謝。 |
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