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Dear Grandmasters, Masters, Instructors and all Taekwon-do practitioners
2010/01/21 11:41:07瀏覽412|回應0|推薦1

18th January 2010

Dear Grandmasters, Masters, Instructors and all Taekwon-do practitioners,

Re: Prayers for the safety of GM Tran Trieu Quan

I have come to know that GM Tran Trieu Quan is trapped in his hotel in Haiti from since the recent earthquake that struck that country. I and all my students would like to say to GM Tran's family and members of his organisation how sorry we are to this tragedy. We pray from the bottom of our hearts for the safety of GM Tran.

I hereby call upon all our ITF members under the Presidency of Prof. Dr. Chang Ung to, for once, forget the differences between our ITF and GM Tran's Taekwon-do organisation, and sincerely pray for GM Tran's safety. Sports politics and organisational politics are only games to be played by both sides. We should recognise that we are, whether we like it or not, all Taekwon-do brothers, and GM Tran is a 2nd or 3rd generation senior since General Choi founded Taekwon-do in 1955.

Under such difficult circumstance, we simple must put down our differences, recognise the good works that GM Tran has contributed even though he is now a member of another group of Taekwon-do. He is still our brother, and a very senior one, and for that reason he deserves our prayers and concern.

All Taekwon-do practitioners, irrespective of their ranks and organisations, are important to our ITF under our President Prof. Dr.. Chang Ung, IOC Member, who was personally chosen by our Taekwon-do Founder to succeed him to lead the ITF. Therefore the protective wings, and the loving care and concern, of our ITF President Prof. Dr. Chang Ung are over practitioners of all Taekwon-do styles or organisations, and that includes GM Tran Trieu Quan. 

At this stage, we must be engaged in prayers and concern for GM Tran's well being as top priority. Sports politics between our two organisations should take a back sit.

"We pray to Heaven to take good care of the safety of our Taekwon-do brother GM Tran Trieu Quan. Lord, we place the entire situation in Your hands. Lord, Your will be done."

Yours in Taekwon-do,

Dato Prof. Dr. GM. Leong Wai Meng

Vice President of ITF

Secretary General of IMGC 



ITF越南派Grandmaster Tran Trieu Quan在海地大地震中失蹤,Grandmaster Tran Trieu Quan是早期跆拳道的前輩,也曾經是ITF的幹部,雖然現在我們分屬不同組織,但大家都是跆拳道的學習者,我們誠心希望Grandmaster Tran Trieu Quan能夠平安無事,謹此獻上祝福。


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