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2009/01/27 23:03:16瀏覽487|回應0|推薦15



Taekwondo, once only a Korean fighting skillfulness, it is actually a wide sporting movement with various kinds of activities from a sport fight (WTF Olympics and ITF) to self-defense, recreation and lifestyle. 

Actually, it is estimated that about 60 million people worldwide practice any of TKD styles. Unfortunately, TKD is not adequately represented in the media, especially on TV. Competitions take a long time, and our champions are not recognized as stars by the media.

 After having analyzed the situation with other popular sports, we have found that the public is attracted exclusively and only by professional fights, and that the planetary popularity of certain sports is due to their professional form of competition.

 With one of the largest amateur basis in the world, TKD can develop into a top professional sport. In order to check it in practice, we have decided to organize in December 2007. Croatia Round Zero and to invite 8 best world heavy-weight fighters, and organize a glamorous performance in front of TV cameras with a reward of USD 30.000 cash for the Champion. All TKD fighters, both amateurs and professionals (who are actually fighting in kick-boxing) would be entitled to participate. 

If such experience provides positive effects, we would be ready to initiate te organization of a „World Pro Taekwondo League“, and we take this opportunity to invite all interested parties to join us in the realization of this great world project.

 In 2007. we could see beginning of world Pro Taekwondo network. In 2008. elimination tournaments were held in Argentina (South America), North Caroline (USA), St. Petersburg (Russia), Maribor (Slovenia, EU) and Blagoevgrad (Bulgaria, EU). Winners of these tournament, together with Andrey Krylov, champion from 2007., and Raymond Daniels (USA) who I have invited directly, met on grand „World Final One“ on December 13th 2008. Money prize for 1st place was 50.000$, and each of fighters got reward for arrival and each victory, together with paid plane tickets and hotel accommodation.

Fights where much better than first year and all fighters where well prepared.

Bit by bit pro-TKD is getting its definitive appearance.

Durng first half of 2009. we will try to built definite net of Pro-TKD promoters, which net will cover whole world.

At the same time we will do wide actions to educate fighters, umpires and promoters, in order to raise level of Pro-TKD tournaments in stage of pre eliminations. We expect that big organizing operations will be finished by ITF Congress in October 2009. in St. Petersburg, after which World Taekwondo League will start and it will consist of big network  of pre elimination and elimination tournaments and which will make possible for everyone in the world to compete in this new and exciting TKD sport discipline by same conditions.

Follow this website. If you wish to join us as a fighter, coach or promoter, be free to contact us.

Yours in TKD,
Master Anto Nobilo 8. dan

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