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跆拳道循環之概說──Master Phap Lu回應
2007/09/25 15:08:49瀏覽171|回應0|推薦0
感謝國際跆拳道聯盟(ITF)秘書長Master Phap Lu撥冗閱讀本人拙著──「跆拳道循環之概說」,我將繼續依循跆拳道創始人崔泓熙將軍的教導,願將ITF跆拳道在台灣發揚光大。
以下為Master Phap Lu對於本文的回應:
Hello! Sabum Cheng,
Thank you very much for your e-mail.  Your article looks great.  It has been a long time.  Your understanding of the original TKD is getting better through the hard training.  If you have time, you and Sabum Liu and Master O and Master Law should try to translate Gen.Choi's condensed Enclyclopedia into Chinese.  Two years ago, when i was in Hong Kong.  Master Law took me to a studio to shoot around 2000 photos.  We have planned to produce a TKD Patterns books with 3 photos each movement.  I would like to have this patterns book published one day.
I would like to take a longer time to read your article and then i will e-mail you.  Please keep up the training the great work.  ITF and the Original TKD development in Taiwan will be on your shoulders.
Yours in TKD,
Master Phap Lu
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