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2016/09/22 15:20:38瀏覽10|回應0|推薦0
<資訊系統管理> Nike does not have a manufacturing department? It is influenced by globalization of industry. Nike does not have manufacturing plant within the U.S. The shoe development and design department is located in Taiwan, while its marketing team remains in the U.S. Nike's manufacturing plant is located in China, Thailand ...etc. This is why we see "made in China" or "made in Thailand" when we look at label on the shoe toungue of Nike's sneakers, not "made in U.S.A". This operating strategy of utilizing cheaper labors from foreign country to cut down cost is called outsourcing. There are pros and cons in outsourcing. Of course, the pros are cutting down production costs, and have each subsidiary concentrates on improving their functions; Design for Taiwan, marketing for the U.S, and production for China. But the con is difficult for headquarter to manage. For example, the incidence of using child labor in China's factory brought wide attentions from others.

- Nike's marketing strategy, brand loyalty.
Every brand has its own loyal customers, and customers display loyalty to certain brand. Nike is extremely successful in maintaing loyalty, and increaseing loyalty to its brand. Use Nike's marketing strategy on basketball shoes for example. In 1985, when Michael Jordan just joined the NBA, Nike signed a basketball shoe deal with him, promising an extremely high payment for reward. Afterward, the name Jordan is knowned by every household as the god of basketball, and the shoe "Air Jordan" is also broadcast to every corner of the world through television. The fans loved Jordan so much that every one of them is willing go out and buy an Air Jordan from Nike. Nike is willing to pay money to sign contract with professional basketball players as their marketing method. In fact, it increases loyalty of their customers to the brand Nike.

以下內文出自: https://tw.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071117000010KK08919
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