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2016/12/09 05:49:56瀏覽967|回應1|推薦13 | |
http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/06/us/politics/bob-dole-taiwan-lobby-trump.html 《Bob Dole Worked Behind the Scenes on Trump-Taiwan Call》 【By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS and ERIC LIPTONDEC. 6, 2016 】 WASHINGTON — Former Senator Bob Dole, acting as a foreign agent for the government of Taiwan, worked behind the scenes over the past six months to establish high-level contact between Taiwanese officials and President-elect Donald J. Trump’s staff, an outreach effort that culminated last week in an unorthodox telephone call between Mr. Trump and Taiwan’s president. Mr. Dole, a lobbyist with the Washington law firm Alston & Bird, coordinated with Mr. Trump’s campaign and the transition team to set up a series of meetings between Mr. Trump’s advisers and officials in Taiwan, according to disclosure documents filed last week with the Justice Department. Mr. Dole also assisted in successful efforts by Taiwan to include language favorable to it in the Republican Party platform, according to the documents. Mr. Dole’s firm received $140,000 from May to October for the work, the forms said. The disclosures suggest that President-elect Trump’s decision to take a call from the president of Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen, was less a ham-handed diplomatic gaffe and more the result of a well-orchestrated plan by Taiwan to use the election of a new president to deepen its relationship with the United States — with an assist from a seasoned lobbyist well versed in the machinery of Washington. “They’re very optimistic,” Mr. Dole said of the Taiwanese in an interview on Tuesday. “They see a new president, a Republican, and they’d like to develop a closer relationship.” The United States’ One China policy is nearly four decades old, Mr. Dole said, referring to the policy established in 1979 that denies Taiwan official diplomatic recognition but maintains close contacts, and promoting Taiwan’s democracy and selling it advanced military equipment. (1樓) ~不管是真是假,台灣「當局」再這麼不知死活的搞這種自以為得計的把戲,終究逃不過「人為刀俎、她為魚肉」的結局。「法西斯」川普之流明擺著玩的是「請君入甕」的陽謀,「空心蔡」進了棺材才掉淚,為時已晚!更賤的是,她還要帶著一票不知天高地厚的台灣人民陪葬~「含笑送死」! ~奉勸諸位有頭腦的看客,照子放亮一點,危邦莫入、亂邦不居,「三十六計,走為上計」! (2樓)(以下為YouTube留言,特抄錄於此以廣流傳) ~別版2017春聯: 上聯:菜英文 下聯:成賤人(不好意思印錯,但屬不同觀點!) 橫批:笑罵由人 (3樓) ~三版2017春聯(不是抄錯字,實屬「不同觀點」): 上聯:菜中文「自自冉冉」 下聯:成賤人「歡喜新春」 橫批:「觀點不同」、笑罵由人 (4樓) ~四版2017春聯(不是「抄錄不當」,實乃「觀點不同」) 上聯:菜中文「自自冉冉」 下聯:成賤人「戰戰兢兢」 橫批:「多元詮釋」、笑罵由人(5樓) ~林版2017春聯(不是「抄錄不當」,實乃「觀點不同」) 上聯:菜中文「自自冉冉」 下聯:成賤人「戰戰兢兢」 橫批:鄰犬政績「又臭又長、罄竹難書」 ~「自自冉冉」編入國語辭典很好啊!與「指鹿為馬」、「郢書燕說」今古輝映。註解還可以加上一詩: 文朝丈廟兩相疑,和尚竟然去打齊; 教書先生查字果,笑壞旁觀書東皮。 |
( 時事評論|政治 ) |