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ATF22LV10CQZ-30JU 20020009-G031B01LF
2021/04/06 06:06:44瀏覽7|回應0|推薦0

Supply electronic components,provide globle service

20020009-G031B01LF   In stock, please contact  and get the pricing  and  Lead time .


Medical IoT and Security

Are you still worried about not finding some scarce electronic parts ? As an independent distributor of electronic components, OemsNavi.com has established a strong relationship with the manufacturers and world-famous agents. OemsNavi.com is focusing on selling various types of discrete semiconductor devices, supporting customers to order samples, providing great convenience for all types of manufacturers, research institutions, universities, engineers, electronics enthusiasts. OemsNavi.com consistently upholds the concepts of customer first, quality first and reputation first, maximizing customer’s needs and optimizing customer’s efforts.


With over 20 billion devices deployed worldwide, the Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the fastest-growing industries with one of the widest applications. From basic sensor data gathering to actuator control, IoT devices can significantly improve the performance of any application, and provide engineers with invaluable data. While IoT devices have technically been around for more than 20 years (by definition, a computer can be seen as an IoT device), the modern sense of basic devices with a few sensors and a small amount of processing power (often a microcontroller), has only been in wide circulation for a decade. Even so, IoT devices have seen numerous technological changes and challenges, including rapidly improving microcontrollers, the move to IPV6, and the growing security concerns relating to IoT devices. Now that 2020 has come, the importance of IoT devices continues to grow, and as it does, so do the opportunities presented to them.

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