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2021/04/05 01:42:29瀏覽5|回應0|推薦0

Supply electronic components,provide globle service

MIC2775-28YM5-TR   In stock, please contact  and get the pricing  and  Lead time .


Development platform and SoM ecosystems to accelerate open-source projects

26-02-2019 | Arrow | Development Boards

The STM32MP1 combines multicore MPU performance with industrial endurance. Its heterogeneous architecture lets users run open-source applications such as a Linux-based HMI on top of real-time control. Featuring a Vivante 3D GPU with OpenGL ES 2.0 support, it is perfect for entry-level to mid-range MPU applications including motor control, industrial communication, or building automation.

03-11-2020 | Renesas | Semiconductors

MCU family for motor control and AI-based endpoint predictive maintenance

Targeting embedded and smart-building applications, the device is compliant with 96Boards Consumer Edition extended version.
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