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External site optimization for local commerce
2022/01/29 01:31:08瀏覽164|回應0|推薦0

Corporate and store sites that offer services and product sales as an online business interact with potential audiences and customers on a daily basis. When it comes to online services, local search has the potential to make you available to new customers and facilitate sustainable development and improvement. With the introduction of a popular algorithm called the Pigeon, Google has taken big steps to change the search position of users and to change the way they respond based on spatial factors. In this article, we will introduce you to the mechanism of the pigeon algorithm and develop your online business. It is better to get acquainted with Google algorithms first.

Local search refers to data that is formed based on the geographical location of users. When looking for goods and services, Google collects and presents results based on where you are. For example, by searching for the phrase "mobile shopping", you will be given a list of mobile phone sales sites that are near you. With this account, whatever you are looking for, your destination is nearby.

The pigeon algorithm revolutionized local search

On July 24, 2014, Google introduced a new algorithm for local search in the US region called Google RankBrain. This algorithm brought a huge change in search results. Similarly, December 2014 saw its release in the UK, Europe and Australia, which has now taken over the lead space. Pigeon came to provide more useful, relevant and accurate local search results to Google searchers and to minimize the distance between the customer and the product he needs.

The Pigeon algorithm is known as the largest local search update that improves distance and location ranking parameters and connects search results to the online map in a more coherent way. But what you really need to know is that Pigeon Algorithm shows how to present information with a high variety of data in the SERP. In fact, you are no longer faced with a few snippets full of titles and meta descriptions, but the pigeon will arrange the search results for you.

In the image below, we have searched for the word "dentistry":

As you can see, the main focus of the results is on the map and the access path formed. By searching "Dentistry" you can access the nearest nearby clinics on the map, which includes your current location and destination.

The pigeon algorithm improved distance and location-based indicators by reducing the search radius, leading to more relevant results in the region. Although Google has tried to better understand small urban areas, it faces a challenge in which people may be able to articulate their needs in general.

But the most important thing is the device and the point you are searching with Google. Sitting at home looking for groceries to buy groceries is very different from when you are on the street trying to find a place with your mobile phone. In fact, relying on a factor called proximity, your search will yield different results, because the location of the mobile is constantly changing. 

The pigeon algorithm has made it more competitive in the face of rankings. Likewise, your business may fluctuate in search results for different terms and also have an impact on targeted website traffic. In these circumstances, relying on keyword strategy alone does not give you a chance for a powerful presence and is not enough at all. Commercial and store sites need to do things that are crucial to pay attention to.

Before talking about how to optimize for Pigeon Algorithm, you should also provide good conditions on the website to be worthwhile in Google's local business data section. Your site should be as fast, user-friendly, mobile-friendly as possible and contain useful and relevant content and information, as it will have the biggest impact on your ranking.

Ranking factors in the pigeon algorithm

Although there are some steps you can take to help rank your site, you need to get more signals about your local business, as follows:

  • Proximity of the user's IP address to the physical address of a business
  • Proximity of commercial address to the city center
  • Insert complete business information on the site
  • Match the name, address, phone number with local information listed on the site and Google Maps and other directories
  • Internal quality SEO of the site
  • User interaction and their opinions about the service
  • Social network signal

Internal site optimization for local commerce

Site content

Content is very important, especially when it comes to pigeons. Your site needs unique, local quality content that should be valuable to your visitors. Become a credible resource in your area by producing relevant and high quality content.


Pigeon Algorithm values ​​sites that use relevant keywords for their local business. Depending on the needs of the area or the most searched users, you can look for opportunities to produce relevant content. AdWords Keyword Planner helps you get pure ideas based on "more local searches and less competition". Conceptual phrases and long tails can play an effective role in choosing the right keyword.

Main Page

It is important that your site's home page has useful content for users. Information about you, where you are and what services you provide is invaluable. In this tab, you should show your business showcase in the best possible way.

Titles and links

By pointing to the city and region in which you operate, in the address of some pages, H titles, local captions or custom landings, you can help Google to find better and closer to the needs of users in search results.

Site architecture

Make sure every page on the site can be crawled and optimized. Link building is an important member of this section, because it transfers the user to business pages and plays an important role in transferring value throughout the site. In fact, with the availability of links that we want searchers to reach, we design a safe and fast route for them.

External site optimization for local commerce

Local packages

In the search results, there is a section called Local Pack, which displays the most significant results by access and location on the map. By strengthening the target keyword and completing business information as well as registering business position on Google Maps, you can be ready for this part.


Optimize your business social profiles to reflect your local position. It is no longer enough to show the name of the city or region. For example, if the Jacket Coffee Shop that provides online service is in District 12, the Coffee Shop office is located in District 9. This data is very important, especially in mobile phones.

Store site with several local branches

If you have more than one business address, you will need a landing page for each location, which should be optimized individually and locally. You can link to blog content that is thematically related to landing pages.

Google Map

Find all the URLs related to your business to make sure they are all the same and optimized in NAP format. Insert Google Maps on our Contact Us page. We have taught you how to insert a location on Google Maps.

Feedback and interaction

Ask your customers and users to share their opinions honestly with you. With comments and feedback on your product or post, as well as your business introduction page, you can help keep the site trustworthy so that Google can use it for a variety of ranking indicators.

Structured and schematic data for local commerce

Configure local business and business information with schema codes and rich data on the site. Proper structure is the best way to appear in search results and be more accessible to search engines.

Local link building

Pigeon algorithm relies on local links as a ranking factor. Therefore, by creating a stable relationship on other sites in the field of activity and producing quality content, create meaningful links and help others to know you better. You can also use AHREFS or a similar tool to check your competitors to see if there is a valuable site for external links.

The last word

Like other Google algorithms (Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird), Pigeon Algorithm has emerged to improve user experience in local search results. However, if your pages are not optimized properly, it will negatively affect your business. It is better to produce unique content for your site and be active among other businesses related to your business. In this algorithm, business data and interaction with the audience are very important.

( 知識學習商業管理 )
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