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2020/10/18 12:45:12瀏覽133|回應0|推薦0 | |
最近登錄我的部落格 岀現奇怪的現像 首先是要求更改密碼 改了之後就無法登錄 於是再經由 忘記密碼結果也沒用 不過利用 收到的‘點選下列網址...進行密碼重新設定‘後 似乎可以再設定新密碼 但仍無法登錄 最後看到有關’電話‘註明不接受國外
請問我可以使用在台家人的電話麽? 如果udn 不接受 是否請容許我複製我在 udn 發表的所有文章? 我是使用 Firefox 沒有發表文章的問題 只有更改密碼後無法登錄的問題 after tried many ways finally i seemed can login but all papers are gone. 許多年的使用者 my blog since 2016. my penpal name is 蝙蝠. however in the earliest i frequently suffered blockaded problems so cant but created/changed gmail.com account twice, but this one i can use now is the original one sbcglobal.net ps long time ago, still remembered i posted about Bin Laden related as anti-war supporter. i began post my opinions in udn 新闻报道 since in 1999-2000 after created my blog i hardly visit/post in udn 新闻报道 because blockaded frequently problems, you wont happy about working hard to type opinions and are forbid posting. ps you can see there is one i recommanded paper 保「宋」上壘,台北市才可以得分喔!2006/10/30 13:23 瀏覽5,447 迴響38 推薦33 引用0 that proves at least my blog penpal name bill224 already existed. udn never gave me a chance to make copy so is this time again. no warning at all. according to 啟用網路城邦服務: 5343 天 that means its been 14-15 years at least. if udn can reduce to request change password or else (blockaded) i bet Firefox is not a problem issued, and it wont make a mess either. the simple the best for your manage blogs and to 使用者. so many years i only posted my opinions in udn my blog, but when this year it applys google as 發表迴響 which any time would delete "迴響", i decide looking for other better one in china. just been so many years here(earlier than 2016 but frequently deleted my opinions or blockaded me many months, even years when post opinions in 新闻报道 , thats why decided to create my blogs not irritated 深蓝-type blocakded me months,years) still have "feeling"... if it is not blockade my opinions again please either recover my 蝙蝠 account or move all (蝙蝠) papers in this penpal name bill224 which is my original one earlier than 2016(and all papers gone too) Be honest i dont think it needs to frequently change passwords because i did couple times it never updated new passwords at all(when i suffered weird problems) and i have to use old password to login. this time neither new password nor old password is working but my origial email account old penpal bill224 with 0 papers. by the way it is the worst to let google control taiwan user accounts, opinions posted. and very likely caused so much messed up, not consistent problems. I even dont think many readers reding my papers but spy or robot "monitoring". i am thinking in the past whenever elections coming(taiwan and usa) it must blockade me 3 months before voting and then quiute long after voted. ps it just couple weeks about usa voting date so the weird cant login happen again that tried to login cant but change passwords or pretended 忘記密碼. ps it shows 回舊版:bill224 的網誌 i have no idea why but use my original email to change password as to receive google issued verification code ===============just tried to post about 三个关键战场州最新民调出炉! then found cant login problem. we just have chat yesterday that my spouse told me Trumnp admitted he is going losing the vote. And i told him i already saw news that Trump got less supporters recently. spouse told me it is swing states are the key, why Hillary lost because the swing states voters against her, same as this year against Trump. ------------- 10/19/20 我也在等看美國是三流的贏還是像台灣一樣是下流的贏 雖然我是有報負的快感希望美國下流贏 美國人就會明白台灣有識之士的痛苦 不過美國兩黨政客至少還爲美國利益妥協 咱台灣就沒那麼有骨氣卻同流合污 每況愈下 |
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