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2012/06/09 22:57:32瀏覽3016|回應0|推薦0 | |
中文常用600句短語道地英文(三) 119. 我不管! I don’t care! 120. 別多嘴。 Enough! Shut up! 121. 耍大牌。 Poser! e.g. Who does she think she is? A movie star? What a poser! 122. 何必呢? What for? 123. 書呆子。 Nerd. 124. 不錯吧? Look, not bad, huh? 125. 真可怕! That’s terrible! 126. 別妄想! You’re dreaming! / In your dreams. 127. 你真行! You’re so great! / You ‘da bomb! / You are the bomb. 128. 不難吃。 Tastes good. 129. 真體貼! So affectionate! e.g. Did you see the way she touches him? So affectionate! 130. 得了吧! Come on! 131. 末班車。 Just made it. e.g. I was the 150th prize-winner! Just made it for the championship! 132. 猜猜看! Guess! 133. 這簡單! It’s easy for me! 4 字篇(上) 134.不用擔心! Don’t be afraid. / Don’t worry. 135.長話短說! Make a long story short! 136. 少說廢話! Cut the crap! / BullSHE(粗俗些) 137.你懂什么? What do you know? / you don’t know the half of it! 138.我盡力了! I did the best I could. 139. 你瘋了嗎? Are you crazy? / Are you out of your mind? 140. 半斤八兩。 Same difference! 141. 這就怪啦! It doesn’t add up! / It doesn’t make any sense. 142. 知足常樂。 Easy to please. 143. 教壞小孩。 Bad influence (on the kids). 144. 小氣巴拉。 Scrooge! 145. 不識抬舉。 You just don’t appreciate it. 146. 在說一次! Say again? 147. 你覺得呢? What do you think? / What’s your opinion?(更正式些) 148. 豈有此理! How did it come to this? 149. 臉皮真厚! What nerve! 150. 你急什么? What’s the rush? 151. 沒完沒了。 Will it never end? 152. 太過分了! That’s too much! 153. 太夸張了! That’s an exaggeration! 154. 死都不要(干)! Over my dead body! 155. 真沒想到。 I had no idea. 156. 我的媽呀! Oh my god! 157. 趕時間嗎? Are you in a hurry? 158. 常有的事。 Happens all the time. 159. 你真沒用! You are useless! 160. 真沒水準! No class! 注:若以classy形容一個人,是指他對許多事物有高水準的品位,雖然”classy”多半是用來形容有錢人,但你對一些事有獨到的品位,你也是classy噢。 161. 不一定啦! Not necessarily. (反義:definitely) 162. 別想騙我! Don’t try to pull one over me! 163. 想得沒喔! In your dreams! (是指某事極不可能發生) 164. 想都別想! Don’t even think about it! 165. 怎么搞的? What’s eating you? 形容對方看起來疲憊、沮喪、生氣、不快樂等。 166. 這也難怪! No wonder! 167. 你很煩耶! You’re getting on my nerves! / You’re really annoying! 168. 原來如此。 So that’s how it is! 169. 沒日沒夜。 Day and night。 170. 一視同仁。 Friend or foe… 171. 表里不一。 Thinks one way, but acts another. 172. 正是時候。 It’s about time! 173. 真是經典! It’s a classic! 174. 多此一舉! There’s no need! (最常用同義詞:Don’t worry about it.) 175. 真是夠了! That’s enough! (說enough時加重語氣,顯露不耐煩的意思)
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