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女人坐後頭Women in the back
2011/10/25 11:01:54瀏覽1026|回應0|推薦0



在這星期三,30歲的媽媽Gitty Green帶了三個孩子和一台嬰兒車;上了車逕自到巴士後頭,兩個男孩就在她椅背後,她前面的男乘客是寬帽沿的Hasidic 猶太人;她可從未想過要坐在越過男女分隔區的座位,因為Hasidic猶如教始終教她“男女有別”,本來女生都得到到後面去坐,這是本份。

B110公車行駛Williamsburg Borough Park間的路線,從1973年由私營交通車行開始這區段路線,在市有專營權下竟有如此男女分隔坐的荒謬傳統,真令人驚愕!但是本週哥倫比亞新聞學校出版物,刊載一位婦女在前座被其他乘客趕到後車廂的消息後。馬上發到部落格在網路上的散佈開來,引起市長Michael R. Bloomberg. 的關注。

市長在星期三的發佈新聞時表示:不應該也不容許有男女分座的情形,要如此行,可以自己租一輛車,你愛怎麼做沒人管得著。由於公車路線是經由市政府公車運輸部門經過競標取得行駛的授權,該部門首長Anne Koenig在星期三具文要求該車行總裁Jacob Marmurstein,要求一星期內說明此事。由於無法連絡上,因此得不到Jacob Marmurstein的任何回應。


《 論美國的民主 》的作者托克維爾認為:過度的社會平等會導致人與人之間很難維護其獨立性,造成更多的干預、以及權力被侵蝕。When citizens are all almost equal, it becomes difficult for them to defend their independence against the aggressions of power.


幸福,想必不是只有為一己的“為何不能追求自己的幸福?”,還有家庭、周遭朋友的快樂。不丹,是科學、財富、思想都不是很“進步”的小國;不丹的國民不單單快樂,也單單滿足自己周圍親友的幸福。Jamie Zeppa:「不丹提醒我們,快樂不是隨機降臨在人們身上,它來自選擇的結果」。


It does not take long to recognize that the B110 bus in Brooklyn is not like others in the city.

The exterior colors are different: red, white and blue. The price for a single ride is the same, $2.50, but MetroCards are not accepted. The bus does not run Friday night or most of Saturday.

But the most obvious sign that the B110 is different was demonstrated Wednesday by Gitty Green, a 30-year-old mother who boarded the bus on Wednesday with her three children and a stroller and headed straight to the back.

As her two older sons perched on the seats behind her, she looked ahead at the men seated in front, mostly Hasidic Jews in wide-brimmed hats, and said, because her religion dictates the separation of the sexes, she never wondered what it would be like to sit with them.

“It’s such a normal thing for us that women and men are separate,” she said. “Most of the ladies go to the back.”

The B110 bus, which runs between Williamsburg and Borough Park, has been run by Private Transportation Corporation since 1973, under a franchise with the city. And to many in the area, the bus’s tradition of separation comes with little surprise or indignation.

But this week, the bus’s practices gained widespread publicity after The New York World, a Columbia Journalism School publication, reported that a female rider was told by other riders that she had to leave the front. The story was quickly picked up by bloggers and even came to the attention of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg.

Speaking at a news conference on Wednesday, the mayor said that segregating men and women was “obviously not permitted” on public buses. “Private people: you can have a private bus,” he added. “Go rent a bus, and do what you want on it.

Discriminatory practices?
Even though a private operator runs the bus, it was awarded the route through a public and competitive bidding process. Seth Solomonow, a spokesman for the Transportation Department, said the bus was supposed to be “available for public use” and could not discriminate.

Anne Koenig, head of the department’s franchise division, sent a letter on Wednesday to Jacob Marmurstein, the bus company’s president, asking him to provide any complaints filed about its practices and to show what the company was doing to prevent discriminatory practices. Ms. Koenig gave the company one week to respond. Mr. Marmurstein could not be reached for comment.


1. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44970711/ns/us_news-the_new_york_times/t/women-back-controversy-front-ny-bus/

2. www.businessweekly.com.tw/webarticle.php?id=24120


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