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無 符
2007/11/05 21:58:26瀏覽243|回應0|推薦13
唔係我無符, 實情係我這一道可是萬符之符, 是最核心的. 只要開心, 就已到達和平樂土, 既已在和平樂土, 身邊所有人就是朋友, 四海之內皆兄弟也, 家庭自會和睦, 身體自然健康. 愛情, 發達隨緣而至, 隨綠而去, 退休不退休已不再重要.
happiness is here and now, i have dropped my worry
nowhere to go, nothing to do, no longer in a hurry
happiness is here and now, i have dropped my worry
somewhere to go, something to do, but not in a hurry

 Il Canto
Vedi come il tempo (See how time)
perde anche i ricordi (loses also memories)
Resta solo il canto (There remains only the chant)
di un amore che non muore (of a love that never dies)
Prendi la mia mano (Take my hand)
danza con il vento (dance with the wind)
Apro le mie ali (I spread my wings)
posso solo amarti cosi (I can only love you this way)
( 心情隨筆單身日記 )
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